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SPS in trouble

Robb in Austin

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and no one knows what causes either one? I have had that RTN on my green birds nest. I got a large piece from Dave and it grew just fine. About a year later, I broke off a chunk during a water change so I stuck the broke off piece in a crack in the rocks about 8 inches from the original and it grew like a weed. About 6 months later, the original turned white and died in about 48hours and the broke off piece continued to flourish.

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Amazing what a ~40g water change will do. My pocillopora started showing polyps in the white areas, my Jedi mind trick polyps came back out. The green birds nest still looks ugly but I think the TN slowed/stopped. Going to do another WC this weekend. And finally get the GFO/GAC back on line.

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There are so many causes of RTN and STN that pinpointing the reason is often difficult.

Birdsnest to me are an anomaly. They will just grow and die for no explainable reason. I've had difficult to keep species of acro be fine for 3 years and randomly, the easy to keep birdsnest will die with no changes to water condition. I remember reading an article where it detailed that certain types of birdsnest have more difficulty than most corals to adjusting to changes.

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+1 to self destructing birdsnests. I still have a few hanging on but they're on my do not buy list now. Doesn't matter if they're pink or green, wild or 5 year captive ORA, I end up losing them. My pink birdsnest was fine for 6 months and then was gone in a day or two which is really fast for something the size of a softball.


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