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Nano Tank (Former HS Tank)


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It's no problem I just thought you would like to know. I bought some bleached out eye of rah on time too that looked a little funny. Come to find out that they were blowpops........lots of zoos get misidentified that's why it's important to buy what you see and like. Not so much names.

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It's no problem I just thought you would like to know. I bought some bleached out eye of rah on time too that looked a little funny. Come to find out that they were blowpops........lots of zoos get misidentified that's why it's important to buy what you see and like. Not so much names.

Haha exactly. I typically never know the names till someone IDs them for me anyways (most times). Or ill see some cool ones like Bowsers and learn the fancy name and price.. lolnope! One day.. :P

I do however like to know the names at least after I get them so I can differentiate them in my tank with koee than "so these are my green zoas.. these are my other green ones" lol

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  • 2 weeks later...


Holy rockscape, Batman!

Guess who has two thumbs and finally used an hour of her life to make my rocks look less like a boring pile? This kid.

The further two rocks on the right are puttied togetger. As we speak im squishing up some more to attach the right portion of the "bridge" to the top right rock. It looks super sketch in the photo, but I wigfled it and it didnt budge.

But better to be safe than sorry.

Been battling cyano even with purigen and phosguard. And somenof my zoas look meh, so tonight will be the start of my half dose chemi-clean treatment. Im too scared to do a full dose.

Will have two air pumps running with limewood stones for a week. Then dropping to just one air pump for a nother week to be super safe. Id be devistated if I lost my Watchman Goby or Urchin. The damsel.. meh lol

So dosing tonight, water change in two nights, and hope all goes well.

Been getting 0ppm for nitrates and less than 1ppm for Phosphates on the API kit. So we'll see how this goes

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FTS of the day. Everything is glued and firm. Had to use some putty to keep the urchin from kidnapping the frogspawn.


Also finally hid my ATO somewhere. I never use that little cabinet and though ive been waiting to find a reservoir thatll fit better.. I went this route. Poked a little breather hole in what is now the top of that bottle. Holds just a smidge less than a gallon of HEBs distilled water lol


Just gonna mount that power strip on the wall. Might move the drawers to the other side of the bed and scoot the bed closer to the tank

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Thanks guys! But of course all good things never last long with me.

Im not sure if it was the ChemiClean treatment (was only a half dose for about 30 hours) or some sort of physical trauma but my Tuxedo Urchin (Larry) is injured. He has what appears to be a hole in his side. Yesterday he was up near the water line right after the water change spewing all his manly stuff everywhere, and I didnt think too much of it till I have him a good look over today.


The photo makes it look much deeper than it really is. He hasnt dropped any spines and hes still holding his hat of camo shells. He does seem a little lethergic today, at least when I just got home at 2pm

He wasnt waving any of his feelers around. I thought he mightve been a goner but after I ramped up the lights a bit he started waving all his feelers around like normal, but he doesnt appear to be actually moving anywhere.

If I didnt know any better I would say it looks like hes breathing. I guess if you could imagine what a ball would look like taking a small long breath then letting it out. But I could just be seeing things.

Question is.. would it be better for me to keep him in the display tank with frequent water changes to help him out, or set up a small 2-3ish gallon Critter Keeper isolation tank for him? I dont want to stress him out further by moving him but hes my favorite invert.

All the crabs and the shrimp appear fine. Same with my lone snail. Fish are also good and eating

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I had a dream that I had to put my urchin down. Literally woke up crying. Wtf.

Thankfully as of last night and this morning hes still kicking it. I put some seaweed near him. He decided to wear it.




Working on making a fresh batch of SW today for a little mid week water change. Ive been up at work since 4am, so itll be a struggle to stay awake

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Urchin is still with us.

I stopped by PetCo for crickets. And because apparently the food ive been feeding my reef fish and betta.. has been expired for two years. Eek.

Got new NLS pellets. I was going to get the fancy marine formula but I like being able to have one food for bith my reef and Betta.

I also FINALLY FOUND IT. A curly cue anemone!!!! Ive been looking for one sincei found out my pistol shrimp will host it or vice versa.

For $6.. yea.. I got it. Jesse swindled me into getting a fighting conch as well. His name is Sheldon. Im uploading a video of how stoked the shrimp has been since he saw the nem. Its awesome to watch.



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Pistol Pete Meeting His New Friend:

I have NO idea what hes doing spinning his antennae in the nems tentacles. Hes never come out of his hidey hole before till today so this is interesting to watch.


Also going to do daily documenting of my battle with this area/rock.

To get a foothold I got API Marine Algaefix. I tried removing as much as I could by hand and scrubbing yesterday so it def looks better. Another water change is in order for the weekend.

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Sheldon the Fighting Conch


Pete (Pistol Shrimp) decided he loved the new nem so much.. hed yank it into his hole.



Its really cool to watch. Theres not a ton of info or people that seem to have these two guys in their tank. I guess cause the nem isnt super pretty. But I have never gotten to see a symbiotic relationship like this so in my eyes its amazing. It made me sit back today amd realize what a cool little thing I have going in the corner of my room.

Most people only get to see stuff like this on TV. I get to watch it every day right before my eyes. How cool is that??

Oh.. and a hermit crab that is not afraid to climb..


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Got the new centerpiece fish. I was at IHOP in pville and walked to petco just for fun. They had tons of these. I THINK I got a pair.. but ive never sexed them and it was super hard to see the vents of any of them. Hopefully I got a good pair

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Day 3

Gonna get some water today and mix it up for a big water change tomorrow.


As of last night and today my now confirmed male is a total fatty. He loves mysis. The female hides behind the rock and refuses to eat anything offered. Flakes.. pellets.. frozen. Her belly is clearly not as round as my males. She will take food.. but spit it out -.- im hoping shes just being mildly picky and will get hungry enough to eat

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Alright. Ive convinced myself I have two males. Anyone want my tiny male? The confirmed male has been chasing the smaller one around. Guess Ill have to make another trip to the store and find a lady.

The confirmed male is doing awesome. Looks good. eats like a pig!


See the little dude cowering in the back left corner :c

Itd be great if I can just go back to PetCo and switch it out for a girl but I know they dont do returns on SW fish. Though I might swing by just to ask.

Tank looks a hot mess. Will def be cleaned up after the swap. Ill have some Green Bay Packers frags as well as whammin watermelons. Fo freeeeee. I guess we can dump those with the begginner bunch :3 cause.. im not bringing them back lol im done with them. Begone!



I entered the Reef2Reef coral growout challenge! Doubt ill see any growth but itll be fun :3 planning on picking up my first cheapo acro at the swap as well as a small acan frag to enter.


We are also back at day 1 of algae battling. Because im a moron and didnt remove my carbon before dosing the algaefix, which would ecplain the lack of results. DOH!


Oh and heres Sheldon. I cant wait till I clear off the sand bed of frags so he can finally move around lol


And a Leopard Gecko for fun. Took my male to work to hang out with customers and help me close.

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Small Caedinal has been MIA for two days. I think he may be a goner :(

Ill probably go try to find a female today. I was working all day but at 5am woke up shaking and feeling like something was eating me from the inside out.. sooooo I called in and go figure after sleeping in till 3pm I feel okay. Which is good cause theres no way im missing the swap tomorrow

Day 3 of algae removal:


Today is day four (I think). Another dose of AlgaeFix Marine. It seems to def be doing something but im getting some super wird stringy algae that sometimes soans across the tank. Pretty grosssss. I need to go buy some water. Im just going to give in and buy SW from nikos



Love this fish. Lots of personality and eats sooo much

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Silent auction BTA


Yellow polyps from Tim (Thanks!)



Candy Apple Reds and Fungia plate from Ty, more yellow polyps from Bigsby (Thanks and thanks!)


FTS this morning. Moved stuff around and well im batyling some kind of slime algae now that keeps smothering stuff overnight. So I put all of my "dont wanna kill it" frags on the rack in a decent flow rate area to hopefully save them. Just did another 20% water change and I guess I'll be doing another one on Friday when I have money to get more water. I do have two gallons of distilled but I wanted to use that for the Top Off.. might just have to use it for another water change tomorrow

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Yesterday I ended up saying "screw it" and put back in some fresh carbon and old PhosGuard after another 20% water change. Worth a shot. Today there is noticeably less of that stringy slime algae. I also re-dipped all of the frags, my Rastas didn't get as extensive of a dip because I love them and am scared to hurt them even though they still havent opened up :c

But besides that after the dip a lot of the zoas looked happier. Tons of amphipods(sp?) got dead in the process. IDK why I have so many but they're always all over my zoas :( I took photos of stuff buuuuut I dropped my phone and the screen slowly started turning purple, then blue, then black, and is now useless. New phone wont be here till Monday at the latest. But I will have a little blackberry with no signal to use to get online with wifi lol I might even dust off the old Iphone 3s

or stop being lazy and use my actual camera... theres that too.

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Nice work on getting the cardinal to eat. Those are usually difficult to get eating. Best of luck on algae removal. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but a lot of that looks like pest dinoflagellates. I've read a lot of success stories on the big evil forum about people having success with that algae product you're using in removing Dino's if that's the case

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