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470 Gallon Mixed Reef


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Those are some beautiful fish! Looking nice!

Thanks... still waiting on the last bit of GHA to die off...

GFO has helped, but 1/2+ of the 40 large Mexican Turbos were picked off by the Triggers and Wrasses. The Sea Hare didn't make it through QT, died a few days short...

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I suppose that's one of the downsides of the aggressive fish. At least they had a nice expensive meal. smile.png

Yeah, it's just when the Turbos fall and are trying to correct themselves. Can't blame them...

Funny they leave the Starfish alone. Hoping they'd leave a Sea Hare alone as well. Going to get 2-3 next time and see if I can get at least one to make it through QT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little update smile.png

The CBB has been doing better in the tank. He still stays on the right hand part of the tank, but eats well.

The Black and Yellow Tangs don't bother him too much, I really haven't seen them go after him much. I think the mirror on the left hand side of the tank really messed with the tangs.

Makes me much more relieved in the thought of adding more tangs down the line. Will just put the mirror up a day or two before I let them out of the acclimation box.

The Bandit Angel has been really outgoing. He's always out and about and picking at things. Took him a few days to really go after food, now he's in a rush to beat the Crosshatches to newly dumped in food. He also goes after nori with vigor smile.png

Still having issues with GHA. It's stopped growing and just dying now, but still looks like crap. I tried to pull it last weekend, but with the height of the tank, being on a ladder for 3 hours only resulted in getting about 1/4th of it.

After that I mounted most of the frags from the first two batches of QT on the rockwork. One rock fell and it took me forever to get it back how I liked it. The rest of my epoxy dried, so about 15 frags didn't get mounted. I have more epoxy now and will probably mount later in the week.

I just got in 6 Sea Hares (2 x Small, 2 x Medium and 2 x Large) and added them to our fishless (for now) frag tank for a 1-2 week quarantine. Hopefully some (all) can make it through QT and into the display. Last time I tried to QT a Sea Hare for 72 days it only made it to 45 days and died sad.png

Hopefully these guys will get the last of the GHA in the display!

Also got a small Bounce Mushroom to try out. After a Bayer and Iodine dip I put it in the frag tank as well. I couldn't pass on the price to just try one. Not the most colorful, but hey it's a true Bounce.

Here's a video of the new Sea Hares and the Bounce Mushroom:

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If you're just worried about ich, do the tank transfer method on the sea hares. It'll only take 12 days and then into the DT they go so they don't starve to death first.

Wish that would work smile.png

Problem with TTM is it only works for infected fish.

On coral and inverts ich would be a cyst, which could lay dormant for 72 days. So TTM wouldn't really do anything.

On fish, active ich on the fish will drop off a few times during TTM, making it effective.

It's either a full 72 days (sometimes not 100% and pretty much a death sentence for Sea Hares) or 1 to two weeks to just make sure anything that might have come in with the shipping water (even after rinses) would have passed it's infectious stage if in the water column.

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Well for a sea hare, you wouldn't have to worry about the tomont stage (encysted stage) as it does not have a hard body for encystment to even occur on. I can see that on a snail shell or something else but from a purely biological point-of-view, you should be pretty safe. Same reason it works on fish, no hard surfaces on the body for the tomont to stick to.

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Well for a sea hare, you wouldn't have to worry about the tomont stage (encysted stage) as it does not have a hard body for encystment to even occur on. I can see that on a snail shell or something else but from a purely biological point-of-view, you should be pretty safe. Same reason it works on fish, no hard surfaces on the body for the tomont to stick to.

People seem to think they can get stuck to their bodies, dunno...

I decided to take a video of the tank today, about a week or two before I add whatever Sea Hares make it through QT.

You can see the remnants of the hair algae I've been struggling with for a few months.

It's stopped growing, and looks like crap (dying), but just won't go away... Hopefully the Sea Hares take care of that. Should also allow me to back off the amount of GFO I'm running, which I think is pissing off my LPS and zoas.

Also have a few frags to mount this weekend. Was going to mount them last weekend, but my epoxy dried up!

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A few pictures...

GHA on a rock about a week ago:


Same rock and Bandit today after 3 days of the Sea Hares:


Also decided to move my Rainbow Hammer to less flow and less light (Seth). Not sure if it's just one of those corals that doesn't like my tank, or if it's fixable...


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Well the results from the Sea Hares are in...

Here are two videos of the tank, one from 1/21/2016 and the other from today (2/4/2016).

Results speak for themselves...



I have now moved one of the Sea Hares I caught last night to the fuge to eat the extra hair algae down there.

In other news, the "female" Crosshatch Trigger looks pretty beat up yesterday. I'm assuming something is going on with either fish in regards to changing sex, causing some issues. She also is hiding a lot yesterday and today, and I noticed her red/brown fins have changed to yellow...

The Black Tang was also pacing the "male" Crosshatch today, so that might have something to do with it as well. Maybe some sort of power void caused by removing the aggressive Yellow Bellied Blue Tang...

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Looks great now!

I think the Black Tang just wants to be reunited with is yellow bellied blue tang buddy. Why don't you bring the black tang the next time you have beers at Whole Foods by me. shifty.gif

Yeah I think it's looking 1000x better. All the GHA left was just dead, but wouldn't go away. I cut the GFO in half and will change it out each month. Hopefully that'll be enough to stay ahead of it in the future.

HAH! wink.png

What kind of flame wrasses do you have again?

Just the generic Hawaiian ones. I got 3 (ordered a male and female), one supermale, one male and one female. The supermale killed the other male in QT.

The female has now turned male, but they seem to be fine with each other.

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C'mon, I'll buy the beers! Just bring that black tang! [emoji16]

Thanks for the info on the wrasses. They were just ginormous that I thought they might have been a different type, from another origin.

Nah just the normal ones smile.png

They make them big in Hawaii!

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Silly Crosshatches acting "normal" again.

No hiding or twitching, also the "female's" fins have gone back to brown/red from the yellow they were yesterday...

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Added a few pieces of new acid bathed Marco Rocks to the tank to round off an area of rock that I thought looked funny.

Here is a great comparison in the color of new Marco Rock and 2 year old Marco Rock smile.png

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Harvested a little bit of chaeto from the sump...


Should be getting a new fish to put into QT on the 20th of this month, so took some time to get her QT ready.

I had a large metal stand built for QT tanks, which could hold 2 40 gallon breeders and 4 20 gallon longs. After some thought I decided that this was overkill and moved the stand into the garage to hold garage stuff instead.

I really only plan on QTing a small group of fish at once, so I though the 55 (my first reef tank sad.png ) I had sitting around would make a good QT. I also like 40 gallon breeders, but since I'm putting it in a closet the width might be an issue. Also if I need, I can just throw a 20 or 40 together quickly if I need another QT if the 55 is being used.

Cleaned off a bunch of MarinePure spheres with hydrogen peroxide and then washed them with a bunch of PVC, powerheads, heater, etc... in vinegar.


Tried to get all inventive with the QT. Trying to put two levels of PVC in the tank to give the new inhabitant more choices of where to seek shelter. Think it turned out all right.


Tank will run two HOB filters filled with the MarinePure spheres and filter pads. I'll seed the tank with some dirty filter pads from the display and a bottle of BioSpira. Will try to get it wet tomorrow and also finish netting the eggcrate cover.

Tank will also run two powerheads pointed at the surface and two bubblers. Two thermometers and three ammonia badges should help make sure everything's in check. I've also had good luck dosing Stability everyday, so I'll continue that. Unless a bio-bloom is noticed, then I'll cut back.

Also the Blue Linckia finally came off the glass in the display, so I shot a picture of him. It and the Orange Linckia just make laps around the glass all the time, rare to see them in the rocks/sand. Really wanted to keep one of these for a long time, finally having success. Guess there's enough for them to eat in the tank.


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New QT mostly ready...

Forgot I had LED tops for a 55 laying around, perfect for the QT tank.

They don't snuggly fit around the two HOB filters, so I'll need to figure out a way to close them up, but I'd like to also use something like eggcrate with netting to allow the tank to breath a little. Talking about a 1" gap around the filters.

Also, need to pick up two new cheap airstones today. The only ones I had around were micro-bubblers...

Going to add the Bio-Spira today and dose stability everyday starting tomorrow. Also have some filter pads sitting in the display's sump, that I'll put in next week. Also going to add a polyfilter in a day or two to pull out anything that might have snuck in chemical/metal wise.

Need to check for stray voltage as well, but should be fine.

Hopefully everything will be ready for the 20th smile.png


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QT tank had a bad smell last night after 24 hours. Went ahead and added the BioSpira and drilled some holes in the tops for help with gas exchange. It was gone this morning smile.png

Just need to make netted eggcrate covers for the gaps by the filters now.

Also going to play with the position of the bubblers to help with bubbles in the tank.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Spotted this rarity while in Cabo... too bad I didn't realize the camera was at an angle...

Other than that, not too much going on...

Here's a video of the tank today, one thing I've noticed is that the coralline in taking off since the GHA has gone away. Also added a small/cheap bounce mushroom to the tank today after being in QT. It started closing up in QT, so after 30 days and 4 dips I decided to move it.

On the fish QT tank end, I added two fans to help pull out more air from the tank. These are very loud, but they were the only ones I could find that run on USB to simplify things. After the next fish gets out of QT, I'll rewire in quiet fans. Also going to add netting under the fans to stop a fish from getting chopped up if they get crazy and try to jump.

I've decided I no longer want to have such a large frag tank that I really don't even use. It's currently for sale, and I'll replace it with a smaller frag tank that'll just serve the purpose of 30 day invert and coral QT. I'll also use display water for water changes and run a Kessil so the environment is as close to the display as possible.

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