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Kenya tree issues (maybe)


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Afternoon, new to the saltwater arena. Everything in my nano seems happy corals and fish alike. Recently I noticed my Kenya tree isn't spreading way out and being a space hog. Upon deeper look I noticed slot of "bubble" growths on it. Only this I could think to describe it. I've seen it shed afew times and it wasn't doing this. The polyps seem to be out and but not fully spreading. Any ideas? Tried to get a pic the best I could.y6ugu5ym.jpgatu9e5us.jpg

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hows the flow in that part of the tank? You could always use a turkey baster to give it a gentle blast or three, to free up anything clinging to it. They also start to firm up when they're about to start sprouting a new length. Ive had them looking like a wad of chewing gum for about a week before finally opening back up.

Edited by esacjack
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My Kenya tree goes through cycles like that. Sometimes it is because a shrimp or something bothered it, sometimes it is just because. The one caveat is that in my large tank, my angel took a liking to it, so it was always shriveled up.

Give it a day or two.

Btw, Kenya trees can be as bad as Xenia mine drops branches all the time which drift around the tank until they attach to something.

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