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controller controversy

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I have never owned a controller and have looking at different options for days and think I narrowed down my results to the apex. Wanted to hear your opinions since I have no experience with controllers

My setup

38 gallon innovative marine nuvo

Hob cpr refugium

Neotherm heater

Vortech mp10

Eshopps psk75 skimmer

Jbj duo 700 led panel

Nextreef media reactor

What I want to control

Leds start low and slowly get brighter



And internet function like apex to check on tank while im away

To be able to check nitrate and phosphate would be a plus but have not seen any yet

Edited by GrimReefer
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I would think your best bet is to get the full version Apex with the built-in variable dimmer module (VDM). That'll allow you to dim your LEDs and control them directly with the Apex. You could then also buy the wireless Vortech module that'll let you control your MP10 via the Apex as well. It's going to cost some coin to get everything but totally worth it for the control. security, and ease to manage your tank.

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All of those goals, except nitrate and phosphate monitoring are doable with the standard reef controllers. Controllers for nitrate/phosphate exist, but they are suuuuuper expensive and not really intended for aquaria.

Your best bet will probably be an apex, although it is most expensive. The user interface is the best of the three, and there is more local support for it than the other controllers. Good luck, we'll be here to help you along the way!

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I got the full apex set up a few weeks ago. Everyone on here was super helpful. It was a little difficult to set up (thanks Uverse!) as far as e-mail and remote access, but once it was running, I was glad I purchased it. I think set up will be much easier with the new release. Anyway, I was able to monitor the tank while I was on vacation, turn on lights when my friend came over to feed before the lights turned on, etc. I should warn you that if you're already obsessed with your tank and spend way too much time on it, this will only make things worse.

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I got the Apex Lite a year or so ago and have been very happy with it. My LEDs are programmable so I don't miss the dimming capability. Other than that it's the best thing I've purchased for my tank. I even run my ATO through it and have reduced the chance of an overflow to nill. I calculated how much water evaporates daily and programmed the Apex to turn on the ATO dosing pump to come on every 30 minutes for a specific amount of time and it keeps the water level within an inch of a line I have marked on the sump. i also like being able to shut everything off for water changes without having to unplug stuff.

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