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FarmerTy's 215 build


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I'm more the mad biologist these days. Corals are all back in the tank and everything is on autopilot again.

Now I have to work on how to reintroduce my current fish population on March 3, QT some new additions, and somehow get them all back into the tank without overloading the nutrient processing capacity of the system too quickly while also preventing all out warfare between the old fish and the newer additions. For instance, if I add my purple tang back in first, then the later addition of a powder blue will cause a war. If I put my emperor angel back in first, the addition of a majestic angel will cause a war. I've got some planning to do!

I think I'm going to have to make a chart detailing the reintroduction schedule for my fish.

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In an effort to save some money on salt for the upcoming QT of new fish and the care of the current fish, I'm slowly acclimating all my fish to 1.020 salinity.

The lower salinity will be easier on the new fish and they usually come in at around that salinity anyways from the wholesalers.

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Glad I just came up with that salinity plan. Looks like my first batch of fish will be arriving tomorrow morning:

-7 lyretail anthias

-powder blue tang (replacement)

-midas blenny (replacement)

-majestic angel

My final batch towards the end of the month will hopefully include the following fish:

-flame wrasses

-achilles tang

-potters angel

-potters leopard wrasse

-pyramid butterfly fish (replacement)

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Current fish stock:

-emperor angel

-yellow belly blue hippo

-orange shoulder tang

-blonde naso tang

-flame fin tang (being rehomed)

-large chromis (being rehomed)

-two clowns

-flame angel

-cleaner wrasse

-leopard wrasse

-flame hawkfish

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Lyretail anthias


Midas blenny checking himself out


My coveted majestic angel


All have already eaten within the first hour. Mysis, zooplankton mix, cyclopeeze, and live black worms have all been tried and accepted as a food source today already. Flakes and pellets were rejected. Now to slowly wean them on pellets so my autofeeder can take over as the primary feeder all day.

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Lyretail anthias


Midas blenny checking himself out


My coveted majestic angel


All have already eaten within the first hour. Mysis, zooplankton mix, cyclopeeze, and live black worms have all been tried and accepted as a food source today already. Flakes and pellets were rejected. Now to slowly wean them on pellets so my autofeeder can take over as the primary feeder all day.

Majestic looks great.

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Wow, I love that Majestic Angel!

Since my coveted regal angel was a bust, I went with 2nd place. Hello Majestic! It's so cool that they already have adult coloration at a smaller size. The emperor had to hit 4" before he even got close to adult coloration.
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Wow, I love that Majestic Angel!

Since my coveted regal angel was a bust, I went with 2nd place. Hello Majestic! It's so cool that they already have adult coloration at a smaller size. The emperor had to hit 4" before he even got close to adult coloration.

The Majestic has always been my #1, but I did not think I could not have one in a reef. Will be watchin closely ...

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Wow, I love that Majestic Angel!

Since my coveted regal angel was a bust, I went with 2nd place. Hello Majestic! It's so cool that they already have adult coloration at a smaller size. The emperor had to hit 4" before he even got close to adult coloration.

The Majestic has always been my #1, but I did not think I could not have one in a reef. Will be watchin closely ...

Don't watch too closely, you'll get prints on the glass. At least that's what my wife tells me.

If you want to stalk him Jolt. [emoji41]


User: jeeperty

Pass: corals

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Yeah, you don't want to border on 'Ty the Regal Serial Killer' devil.gif

Just hearing that out loud already makes me feel bad. [emoji30]

I have no room to talk, I'm the most notorious coral killer known to man
Fish deaths hit me right in the gut. Something about staring at that lifeless body and glazed over eyes just gets me.
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If you want to stalk him Jolt. [emoji41]


User: jeeperty

Pass: corals

Nice QT setup, they all look very happy in there. The Majestic is, well ... Majestic!

Sadly, one lyretail got bullied to death last night. I saw the largest one pestering one that was about the same size. I was hoping it would relent but he's dead as of this morning. Their social structure is rough!
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