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FarmerTy's 215 build


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No, your better bet is to go with my clumsiness and nearsightedness if you want some coral frags. Come on over anytime bud, preferably with wads of cash or I take sacks of gold as well.

At first I thought you said sacks of snacks. I think I will continue to think that's what you said and trade you a bag of peanuts and Cheetos for your broken frags thumbsup.gif

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No, your better bet is to go with my clumsiness and nearsightedness if you want some coral frags. Come on over anytime bud, preferably with wads of cash or I take sacks of gold as well.

Make sure you "break" them onto some plugs for me. I'll take anything that will live in my tank. Wads of cash? I'll break the piggy bank and start rolling immediately!

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Come to think of it, I think you've been dropping little hints this whole time! I've kept SPS in the past, but I'm not on your level. I would need to run lower nutrients and possibly upgrade my lighting. Running Ca and CO2 is kinda scary! I'm starting to refine my processes and I'm noticing a difference in the corals already. I've been testing my tank with a small frag of Pocillopora and it's doing extremely well. I may move up to a Montipora frag next and see what happens.I'm not very happy with the softies atm and your tank makes me think about different possibilities. shifty.gif

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That RO/DI unit put you in the right direction. Let me know when you want to try montis, got plenty of them. Once you SPS, you'll forget about the rest. You'll also do 5x as much work but I don't usually put that in the brochure. Haha.

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There's a brochure? Nice!

Thanks for the offer. I may take you up on that after my tank settles down. I have a laundry list of stuff that I'd like to do to tweak the system first. After the holiday I'm going to sell most of my softies and possibly remove the caulerpa from the DT. After that I'll research it a little more and figure out how to get from Point A to Point Tycredible!

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Tycredible is a bad road to go down. Your wife will leave you... your fish will not eat the food you feed them anymore... your dog won't even fetch the ball anymore if you throw it!

WP40 is still pretty awesome to me. I'll have the other one in hand before the end of the week so I'm pumped about trying it in parallel with the one I have already. I mean, how can one not get excited about alternating flow? Nonreefers just don't understand!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well before everyone thinks I abandoned the new build, alas there is progress! Had a bit of a delay as I miscommunicated some welding instructions and had to get the stand rewelded. Since I was done with everything else up to that point, that kind of put the project on hold until the work was done.

So got the stand back and primed and painted the new welds. Got it back into the house and started playing with the sump setup. Got a 65 gallon tank as my sump and went ahead and added baffles. I didn't bother with bubble trap baffles as I never had a problem before with microbubbles so I went with single baffles to maximize space in the sump for the skimmer and frag section.


Drilled all necessary holes in the glass for plumbing on the sump and ordered all bulkheads and plumbing necessary for the build with the last BRS group buy.

My two Iwaki pumps lined up perfectly with the holes in the sump. I will be using one as a external return and the other will be used in conjunction with a manifold to run my various reactors and also serve as a backup return pump in case one should fail. I will place them on top of the same workout gym mat material that the sump is currently on to minimize vibrations to the floor.


Already have my "new" old skimmer. Got the ASM G4+ off another member of the club. Its tried and true as I have been running my current system with an ASM G3 these past 3 years with amazing success... so I have no doubts that the G4+ can get the job done. Its a massive skimmer, bigger than my niece!

Here's a nice overhead shot of the setup. You can see the gym mat material under the sump.


Next step you ask? Getting that brick of a tank onto the stand. Might put out the word that a couple of strong guys may be needed sometime soon but with the holidays, may hold off for a bit until things get back to normal before I attempt that. I'll start cycling some dry rock in the sump for now and seeding it with some old tank water.

Hopefully have some more good updates after the new year!

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Just another external pump manufacturer. I remember something about one of the main designers left Iwaki and started another company like maybe Reeflo or something like that and made pumps similar to Iwaki's design.

Only reason I am running them is because I wanted external pumps for my new build to lessen heat input into my system and also wanted something more heavy duty and reliable than my Mag pumps I have been using up to this point. You also get less head loss with heavier duty pumps versus the Mag pumps. Found a great deal for two used pumps and jumped on it.

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Oh man, you guys sure are tempting me. Really, at minimum, 4 sturdy guys could lift it... its about 515 lbs off the tank weight calculator I ran. Remember, its 3/4" thick glass.

If some people have like 1-hr to spare maybe Saturday or Sunday morning, I think that would do it. The tank is already on furniture dollies and in the fish room already so it would be as quick as 1,2,3 and lift.

Then however long it takes to stare at it on the stand and do the standard tank talk time that automatically happens when you get a bunch of aquanerds in the same place at the same time. Maybe even take turns laying in the empty tank and take pictures...

How about I throw out a time, like Saturday at 10am? Would some guys (or ladies, I won't discriminate) be available to help me lift my tank onto the stand as an early Christmas present? :-)

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I also have some Iwaki external pumps that I am using for the returns and for my skimmer, I think they are just a bit too big for my current setup. They are Iwaki MD-70RLT. I think at some point in 2014 I will buy some new ones that are smaller and more energy efficient.

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Alright, got Woods, and two of my buddies that are down for tomorrow morning at 10am. Probably feel better if another 2 people show up but I'm sure we can get the job done. If anybody else is free and wants to join and help, let me know. It will be much appreciated!

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