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Rob's 150 wrasse haven


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how do you like the aquamaxx?

So far I really like it, it has a really solid build quality. Once it actually gets wet and starts skimming will definitely give you an update... I have read nothing but good things about these skimmers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Ty!!!

So got some time and got the pendants hung and tested tonight.... Holy cow those radiums are freakin bright...


Also leak tested the sump this past week and found a couple of small leaks between the baffles... Resealed and waiting for the silicone to cure.

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  • 1 month later...

Nice build! I've been wondering why you don't see more people using BML super actinics with halides. Have you decided to run it in the back of the tank instead of the front? Seems like running it in the front would make the "viewing side" off the corals pop more and running in the back would cars shadows on the front side of the tank

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Nice build! I've been wondering why you don't see more people using BML super actinics with halides. Have you decided to run it in the back of the tank instead of the front? Seems like running it in the front would make the "viewing side" off the corals pop more and running in the back would cars shadows on the front side of the tank

Yeah the BML super actinics are super nice, I am impressed so far! Although when the halides are on they kinda drowns out the LEDs. Hmmm had not thought of putting the LEDs up front just put them in the back for accessibility purposes... May have to move them to the front and see what it looks like....

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Cast, not cars. Bummer to hear. Sounds like 10k halides will easily overpower one super actinic strip. Shame. I bet they look great for dawn and dusk. I was always wondering if the super actinic strips would be more effective than t5 or vhot12 for actinics on halides since they're so much more aggressively blue

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Nice Rob...

What ballast are you running to power your MH?

Thnk you!!! I have 2 of the reeflex cube M80 spec ballast to run the 250W radiums. It is not easy to find the magnetic ballast any longer, but form everything that I have read these are the proper ballast for the radiums. Folks say that thay can get 12-18 months from a radium on the M80.

Cast, not cars. Bummer to hear. Sounds like 10k halides will easily overpower one super actinic strip. Shame. I bet they look great for dawn and dusk. I was always wondering if the super actinic strips would be more effective than t5 or vhot12 for actinics on halides since they're so much more aggressively blue

Are you running 10K halides? I would think that the LED's might actually be more visible on a 10K setup. With the 10K being much yellower than the 20K radiums, I would think that you would really see the added blue from the super actinic... Good question about the T5/VHO though, I would think that they would probably be along the same lines with the edge going to LED just because you woulnd't have to replace bulbs every year....

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I thought I was hardcore metal halide but you outdid me and went with the old school magnetic ballasts! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! Tank is looking good with water in it!

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

Well from the pics of the new tank you are def worthy.... Especially after the catchy you tube music you set to your pod video!!

Ha yeah water in it................ now to get the actual salt water, and livestock in there.... It'll be 2015 if things keep moving at the rate they are tongue.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha I'll see what I can do, but prolly won't be able to top your catchy beats Ty. Got a rough aquascape done and some sand and the first 32 gallons of saltwater in there now... It is pretty cloudy, so after more sand and water and some time to clear I'll get some pics up...

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Not much to look at right now... Not even full with saltwater yet, but the new rock and sand are in... Transferred some live rock and sand form the old tank to get things started... And boy those BML super actinics sure look blue in the pics.... Anyhow the cycle is finally under way!!!!


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That sure is blue. Interested to see how they look in conjunction with the radiums. I'll be running radiums also and wanted a BML strip to extend the viewing hours, rather than vho or t5. Torn between a super actinic, radium clone, or a custom spectrum. How do they look run together.

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That sure is blue. Interested to see how they look in conjunction with the radiums. I'll be running radiums also and wanted a BML strip to extend the viewing hours, rather than vho or t5. Torn between a super actinic, radium clone, or a custom spectrum. How do they look run together.

I'll try to get a picture of them together tomorrow for you... In real life it's really not that blue... It's my crappy camera skills and the iphone pic. I really like the super actinic... Dunno how the corals will don under it yet, your welcome to come look at the combo in person later in the week if you like...

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Well it took me three days to make enough water to fill this guy up but she is officially up and running!!! Only took me 6 months :P also here are some pics with the halides on and the initial aqua scape it will change when when everything gets moved over from the 55 and all the rock and corals get moved as well. Seeing the halides next to the t5's on the 55 is crazy there is no comparison as to how much brighter the radiums are!!!




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I had a giant smile on my face when I saw you were setting up the tank with MH. I like LEDs too, just not 100% sold yet either... but I am getting closer and closer as they continue to nail down the perfect spectrum. Call me 85% sold. :wave:

I don't run a chiller on my system with 3 MH's in an enclosed hood with only the back open. Average temperature is 82 and everything is happy in my tank. I do have the Apex turn on two clip-on walmart fans to cool while the lights are on.

Definitely like the look of the new system. Looking forward to the build.

Clip on fans blowing IN the canopy or OUT or 1/2 & 1/2? Do you replace the fans often due to salt creep and what not? Apex controlled or just running constantly?

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