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i lost thirty pounds recently and still going, this is exactly what i did, replace you breakfast and lunch with a 100% juice smoothie( NO ADDED SUGAR OR PRESVATIVES, OR ANYTHING UNATURAL), I like bare naked or bolt house brands, green goddess and blue machine are what i drink everyday for either lunch/breakfast and they are actually filling too, and eat a high protien/low carb/ fat/ dinner. Then at least 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of other types of work outs, and at least five days out of the week, i aim for seven but not always.The key with the work outs is do a little more each time then before, but semi slowly. I started with only a mile run, and now im at 31/2, do this for at least two weeks and you will notice an amazing amount of weight starting to drop and you will start feeling awsome from all the good ingrediants in the smoothies, love this method because even with healthy breakfast and lunches w workouts i wasnt dropping wieght like i wanted, but this is working amazingly, on my last hole in my belt and all y clothes are starting to get to big and baggy, lol,(also a good multivitamin is good for you to)

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also stay away from unatrual sugars ex: processed foods, soda, sugar loaded coffee , and also alcohol. Yesss i said it, almost every alcoholic beverage has alot of calories and sugar, this was a bummer for me but, if i want a drink i usually get my favorite liquer and a diet soda and that has been a nice subsitute but not in excess because liquers are almost pure sugar( rum is the worst)

excuse the spelling, typing on the run

Edited by kingjames420
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an old room mate of mine switched from beer to whisky and drop 50 lbs. had a negative affect on his alocholism, though.


There is some truth to this though. Beer is super fattening! All of those empty calories take a long time to break down and stay right in your gut area. Beer has something calle Maltose in it and it's supposed to be 5x more potent than table sugar.

also stay away from unatrual sugars ex: processed foods, soda, sugar loaded coffee , and also alcohol. Yesss i said it, almost every alcoholic beverage has alot of calories and sugar, this was a bummer for me but, if i want a drink i usually get my favorite liquer and a diet soda and that has been a nice subsitute but not in excess because liquers are almost pure sugar( rum is the worst)

excuse the spelling, typing on the run

Have you ever heard of the Twinkie diet? A nutrition professor wanted to prove that diet is more important than exercise when losing weight so he created a diet of Twinkies and lost 27 pounds over the course of 1 year. It's not a bad read if you want to look it up. Of course diet won't help with the loose skin.

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Everyone here is so helpful, they're awesome!! All of the responses you got (minus the twinkies, lol) were definitely more healthier than what I am about to tell you. A few years ago, I found myself fat and getting a divorce. So I went on the divorce diet. I lost 30 lbs in 3 months by eating whatever I wanted for breakfast and lunch, but limiting my dinner to 1 bag of edamame (steamed) and red wine. Yep. It worked for me and a couple of other people I told about it. It's probably not healthy, but during that time my cholesterol was within normal range and doctors reported that I was "very healthy."

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there is a girl that will create custom workouts and meal recommendations for you for a small fee on a monthly basis

she is very nice and you can contact her here: www.getafteritnow.com

the great thing about this is that she will take your feedback and customize according to your likes/dislikes wants/needs

my fiancé and I used to train with her in person, until she moved away, but with her new mobile program anyone can do this anywhere

we started by eliminating as many processed foods as possible....I am not good at this.....but once we began to change our shopping and cooking habits, I saw immediate results and felt more energized and more focused

I am not a huge organic supporter myself, but I am a supporter of the thought: if you can't pronounce it, you probably shouldn't put it in your body

good luck...I will be practicing with you

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I can confirm a divorce will account for a sudden and drastic weight loss.

Sherita; get married and then get divorced. The weight will FALL off.[/quoti]

The last time I tried that I gained 285 pounds (my son) :)

I think I'll stick to more traditional weight loss measures, cause that one seems a bit extreme, LOL.

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