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First sw JBJ 28 Nano cube


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I just got my start into the SW hobby with a JBJ 28 Nano cube. I bought it with the CF QUAD hood plant ng on doing an led upgrade. I picked up live sand, rock, and water from RCA. Picked up 2 peppermint shrimp to take care of the Apstasia, and they worked quick.


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Didn't do any aquascaping yet, when I first started putting the live rock in it was too cloudy. I was suprised how much evaporation I am getting, I have the hood pulled back, the CF lights were raising the temp too much. I am going to have to LEDS sooner then expected. On a seperate note I have never been on a forum that was so easy to post pictures to.

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Nice start. I started with the Mh version of that tank and heat problems were rediculous. If you don't mind the lid being open you can use azoo double fan blowing in the hood across the water. Should lower the temp 2 - 6 degrees depending on the humidity and room temperature. LED's might fix it but much of the temperature comes from the pumps and not just the lights.

I definitely hear you on the cloudy new tank issue. There was so much cloudiness when I setup my new tank that 70% of my sand is on the right side of my tank.

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Yes I started w/ that tank and it is convientant to have the sump right on the back. I feel it is a real advantage over the 29 G Oceanic A bit tight but you get used to it. Did you get the wave maker for the dual pumps? Add in two 500 Gal powerheads on another wave maker and that tank has excellent flow. I had to put a chiller on minre and stayed w/ the CF lighting. Grew some nice LPS and a few SPS right on the top. I found the tank performed well w/ a Lil Fishy 150 hanging on the back w/ GFO and GAC, and 40 lobs. of rock, no sand, and 10% per week water changes needed no suppliments except a small amount of Reef Buffer when the Coraline Algae really got going. I never could get any of the smaller skimmers to do much on this tank. But you can get a backpack skimmer to hang on back if you don't mind the look. I just found the water chganges made more sense, You'll love it, but you have to stay on top of it and go a little slower as the watrer quality can change fast w/ each new addition of livestock. You will most likely only be able to keep 4 small fish w/o causing Trates and Phates to increase. Good Luck and have fun.

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I do appreciate the advise, I have been monitoring my temp. with lighting on and off and also. I did get the wave maker, but I am waiting on JBJ to send me 1 replacement pump as the shaft was damaged, and the hanging basket, I think the tank had been an open box item from Dr. Foster Smith Smith, as the tank was in a Pro Led Box, I was initially excited when I saw that. I am leaning towards a coral aquarium. Trying how to figure exactly where to keep this water level at now. I will PM you Funkness on the hood.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I still have a lot of particles floating in the aquarium I think it is the Carib Sea Fiji Pink sand. It seems that it may have gotten worse after I added blue legged hermit crabs and they started doing their thing in the sand and the rock, should this clear up, or is this normal with this substrate?

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I have the same issue with Carib Sea Fiji Pink. It's pretty sand but very fine. My sleeper goby constantly stirs up the sand causing the water to have a lot of particles suspended in it. Over time it will improve some but will probably never be as clear as you're expecting.

If your live rock already has aiptasia you may want to deal with that before adding too much more. Peppermint shrimp will control it, but in my experience will not eradicate it.

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Thanks for the replies, I do have floss in the rear chamber, which did also upgrade to the larger Intank basket. I am bummed to hear that about those suspended particles.

As far as the aiptasta, I assume it is gone, I haven't seen anymore after the second day of having the peppermint shrimp, which was about 3 weeks ago, there was even one that was pretty good size and they got it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a fts, I haven't posted a pic since I first got it set up. I have a pair of Oscellaris clowns I have in the QT tank, they were kind of an impulse buy, one of them is about 3 1/2" the other not quite 2". Will the large one be too big for my setup?


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