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Can I frag this?


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Had a lot of interst in my long polyp toadstool lately from several locals here in CS. You can see here there are several "baby" toadstools budding off the side. Can I just snip these flush with the main trunk and fix them to frag plugs? Are they too small? No way I'm gonna cut the main cap up, but I've been offered some interesting trades for a baby frag? Will I hurt it by doing that? Haven't done much fragging since I bought my tank, only collecting


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The little shoots will fall off in the current eventually. I cut mine and then attach it to rubble. After the cut the end will be extremely slimy. If you have a lighted refug, then you can just drop the frag into there and it will attach itself to whatever it's resting on. I've had frags attach to clumps of sand before.

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Be careful with rubberbands. If you tie it too tight then it cuts into the leather's flesh. If you leave it on too long then the coral grows around the rubberband as it starts to stand up towards the light. The best method is to use a bit of glue or simply drop it on something that you wish it to attach to.

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Thanks for the replies. These buds have been sitting on the sides for several months. I don't think they show any signs of dropping. At least not any time soon. I need to find myself some tiny rubber bands. No lighted fuge unfortunately. How long to they typically take to adhere themselves to a surface?

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Yes, you can use either scissors or a razor blade and just cut them flush to the main stalk. If you put them in with rubble pieces they should attach within a week assuming you keep them from current that moves them around.

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Yes, you can use either scissors or a razor blade and just cut them flush to the main stalk.  If you put them in with rubble pieces they should attach within a week assuming you keep them from current that moves them around.

I use A 2" pvc coupling on mushrooms and such place big pieces of ruble under an presto attached.

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2

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