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Rainy Day photos


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There's nothing special about my setup smile.png

I use a kit 35-70mm lens with three diopters (camera>35-70mm lens>stepdown ring>4x>2x>1x) stacked on the front for magnification, and an underwater photo barrel that mounts to the lens.




I prefer the photobarrel to a top down photobox. I don't find it nearly as awkward and I can still adjust my lens if I need to.I shoot using a custom white balance, macro mode, auto focus, flash OFF, in jpg. I don't care for shooting in raw, it takes too long to transfer the data to my computer.

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LOL, y'all are hilarious!

The two tanks that I routinely photograph corals in are shallow tanks, only 12" tall. The lights are suspended 24" above the top of the tanks, so it's easy to stick my head in there and get pictures :) Now, my two taller tanks (140g brick and 72g custom), that ain't happening. I might not drown, but my camera would get mighty wet :)

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LOL, y'all are hilarious!


The two tanks that I routinely photograph corals in are shallow tanks, only 12" tall. The lights are suspended 24" above the top of the tanks, so it's easy to stick my head in there and get pictures :) Now, my two taller tanks (140g brick and 72g custom), that ain't happening. I might not drown, but my camera would get mighty wet :)

All these pics yet you describe the tank.... pics are worth a 1000 words.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4

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FTS I can do. Full room shot, not so much. Room is in the midst of a VERY slow remodel.........almost two years slow, and looks like, well......a construction zone :)

I will have some of the clove polys at the fall frag swap. And a lot more :)

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The above photos were shot in manual mode, flash OFF, f/5.2.

The white balance is a sticky wicket. On my camera (Rebel XTi) I use a custom white balance. It still looks funky when downloaded, but I let photoshop do the final adjustments for white balance. Sometimes it's just not right, no matter what. I haven't quite mastered the white balance portion of the program. Actually, there's a lot I haven't mastered, but I just keep fooling with it until I figure it out (or get irritated).

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