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Activated Carbon


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I have been running a single reactor with no carbon for 7 months. I have just been running carbon in media bag in sump for 2 weeks out of the month. Well the other night I was cleaning reactor and the kiddos knocked it on the ground and it craked. I was going to order a BRS this time. When I looked online the price for a dual reactor is only 20 buck more. So my questions are should I just upgrade to the dual? also, Should I run carbon all the time?

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Yes upgrade the dual. People gripe about it clogging or whatever but I've run mine for 7 straight months now and haven't had a single issue with it. It's been my weapon of mass destruction against nuisance algae

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Carbon is a very good thing. The one caution is use a quality carbon that does not produce dust as carbon dust has been implicated in Head and Lateral Line disease. Here's some good research on carbon and how it mediates Dissolved, Particulate and Total Organic Carbon in reef systems:



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I see you are running a 76G tank. A dual is good and you can change out GFO and Carbon on their own schedule, however I run a single Lil Fishy 150 and have plenty of room in the single RX to run both and since i have no specific issues w/ PO4 or other pollutants i simply change on a monthly schedule of 25 grams of each. Carbon is great and I do run it all the time. It can absorb trace elements though, so if you do few water changes and if you decide to use Activated Carbon on a continuous basis and are concerned about the possible loss of trace elements, add some trace element supplements in conjunction with the activated carbon,and shut down the RX for a short period of time before and after supplements have been added to allow it to be absorbed by the reef life and not the carbon. I utilize Salifert's All In One suppliment on a daily basis. 5ml every day. This takes care of all trace elements except for Iodide, as well as Ca and Alk. However additional Alk dosing is usually required but in lesser amounts.


Oh yes and another little secret about using carbon is to soak it first for 3 days to leach out the phosphates and ash residues to so they will not be introduced to the tank system. Although high quality pellitized carbon lessons this problem as does running the GFO, soaking also causes the absortion rate of of the carbon to work at a much higher %.

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Carbon is a very good thing. The one caution is use a quality carbon that does not produce dust as carbon dust has been implicated in Head and Lateral Line disease. Here's some good research on carbon and how it mediates Dissolved, Particulate and Total Organic Carbon in reef systems:



And the question from this is..... What is quality carbon?

I've known a few to make some dust and some to not. What recommedations +/- do folks have on carbon brands.

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I like rox 0.8 carbon I get from bulk reef supply. Looks like tiny rice grains. Perfectly uniform in size and virtually dust free. I soak it for a day or two in ROdi water before using, but it has virtually zero dust or anything that comes off. It's some of the more expensive stuff out there but I really like how clean it is and how little you can use to get the same result. I'm halfway through my first gallon of it after 6 months and I'll be getting more of the same when its out

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Thanks for the help guys I ordered the dual with a gallon of .08 carbon. After a ton of research and talking to th eguys at BRS I did not get HC GFO. They basically told me for my size tank there was no need since the media will fit fine.

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Here's links for two different research papers on the link between GAC and HLLES:.



I make my own caniister filters with 3" or 4" PVC and a small powerhead. I use Two little fishes carbon and beside rinsing it well I also use several layers of filter pad. Additionally I do not run it continuously.

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haze, if you don't mind my borrowing your thread for a second, i too have a question about GAC. How much do you put in the reactor? my reactor is from BRS is about 1/4 gallon, probably a little smaller. should i fill it or just put an inch or two in the bottom (maybe 1/2 cup).

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haze, if you don't mind my borrowing your thread for a second, i too have a question about GAC. How much do you put in the reactor? my reactor is from BRS is about 1/4 gallon, probably a little smaller. should i fill it or just put an inch or two in the bottom (maybe 1/2 cup).

Go with the BRS calculator.

If you bought it from them

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