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Something that eats coraline algae


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I'd like some help fighting coraline algae. I'm in there pretty regularly scraping it off but there are some places I can't reach and I just can't keep up. Anyone have thoughts on a critter that will eat it?

I have a pencil nettle that doesn't seem to be doing much.

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Here are some quotes from RC:

Urchins will eat it, but you're not going to get your tank walls clean without a razorblade. There is nothing in this world that eats it as fast as it grows. And for the record I have never seen a cerite snail eating coralline.
Again, the urchins eat it, but you will never ever notice any missing. They don't eat it down to the glass, they just take off a layer. Even if you have a hundred, you're still going to need a razor blade. Coralline isn't something you can solve with a criter to eat it.
We have a pin cushion urchin that does not eat it but the Halloween urchin my wife just had to have has striped it off a rock completely. It grows back fast so no big but cleaned it all off the rock in short order.
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I'm guessing those people are not speaking from experience. I have had 3 long spine urchins over the years and I have 0 coralline. And my urchins ate it off glass. Not only did they eat it, they would eat it to the point of extinction.

How big is your tank? Mixed reef?

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I've got two tanks. First is a 29 gallon biocube with zoas and a few softies. The 130 gallons is basically fish only. I've got some GSP and other stuff that I'm tossing in to see how it does but in the end if it gets eaten I won't care. Any thoughts on Halloween Urchins?

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I've heard of three urchins that will eat it; the long spined mentioned, chocolate chip and crown of thorns. I've never had them because I've also read that they like to move rocks, topple your aquascape and have jaws so strong they can scratch your glass.

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I've never used a Halloween urchin but it looks similar to a pin cushion. I don't like the pin cushions cause they pick up stuff.

I had a long spine urchin in my bio cube 29 and the urchin ate ALL algae in weeks. I buy them small at Aquadome. About the size of the tip of you thumb. In a matter of a couple months they grow to the size of a softball.

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I may have not mentions that because of a "poke" from a long spine urchin, I had to have surgery and six months of physical therapy. It randomly got me in my knuckle sheath. Finger eventually stopped moving and had it surgically removed. Spine not finger. I'm not a very good salesman.

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I haven't noticed asterinas doing anything to coraline but maybe mine are defective. I'll start with a million of yours and see what happens. You start counting...

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I have a type of tuxedo urchin, not the "normal" colors, got it from AquaDome. It eat coraline algae, it it probably 3 times larger now than it was when I added to my tank mid January. However I still have a good bit or coraline algae on the glass and the rock. I have to scrape it off the viewing panel of glass. Maybe if I had two, or three... or... yeah I'll just scrape it. My nick name for it is dozer, cuz he knocks over or around EVERYTHING. And if it is not attached he decides to wear it, camouflage.

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