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tang compatibility chart


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Does anyone know where to find a compatibility chart specifically for tangs? If not, could you give me some combos you think would work in a 4' 150?

Right now I am thinking sailfin, scopas or flame tail, and yellow or mimic lemon peel, put I'm open to other suggestions.

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If you stock outside of the family it's more likely to work as well.

Example: Zebrasoma and Ctenochaetus are pretty compatible since they generally don't compete for food and look very different. Sailfin and scopas might be an issue since they're in the same family.

Personally, yellow eye kole tangs are one of my favorites. Can't go wrong with a yellow either. Lemon peels are nice, but make sure you like what they're going to look like when they mature.

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I am no expert, but I can give you my experience over the past 3 to4 years. Yellow and Sailfin didn't do well. I believe someone referenced family. My yellow only wanted to kill the beautiful sailfin I tried to introduce to my 120G. Luckily I was able to rescue him and rehome. Yellow and regal/hippo have done great...got along after a few days and basically leave each other along. I have tried two of the beautiful Nasos...on different occasions. Both died! Nothing wrong with my tank, fully cycled and running for several years, just no luck with that fish and they really need a bigger tank.

I think in general, the bigger the tank you have, maybe the better luck you will have. 150 is large, but only 4 long, so maybe a territory issue....


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I've got a 175g that's 6ft long. The sailfin was the first to go in after the tank had been up about 2 mths. I put a yellow in at about 4-5 mths. For about the first 4-6 weeks they constantly flashed their fins at each other and flicked their tail barbs but never anything serious...after that they were practically inseparable. After 8 mths I put in a blue hippo that's about the same size as the other two. Within an hour of him going him you'd think they all grew up together. They'll flash fins every now and then but that's about it. My sailfin is a swimmer. In the evenings he flies back and forth along the front of the tank. I'd say the larger the tank the better if you're going to have more than one.


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Thanks for the info guys, I keep getting conflicting infomation: hippos need 6' or more, hippos are fine in a 75, Scopas and sailfin are fine together, Scopas and sailfin will kill one another... etc. I'm going to just have to figure it out with the information I can find and keep a close eye on them. I think I'm going to go with a sailfin and either a kole or a flame fin and see how that goes. I just wanted some larger fish that I would see frequently instead of just having a bunch of small fish that are going to hide a lot.

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If you stock outside of the family it's more likely to work as well.

Example: Zebrasoma and Ctenochaetus are pretty compatible since they generally don't compete for food and look very different. Sailfin and scopas might be an issue since they're in the same family.

Personally, yellow eye kole tangs are one of my favorites. Can't go wrong with a yellow either. Lemon peels are nice, but make sure you like what they're going to look like when they mature.

This is the rule I always follow.

Yellow, Convict, Sailfin, Kole and and Scopas are your best bets for a 4' tank. I might stick to 2 and I wouldn't put a Yellow and Scopas in the same tank together.

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I have heard/followed the one-per-family or body type rule. I have a Scopas and a Twinspot Bristletooth tang in my 75, and they pal around the whole tank.

You might be able to get away with different combinations if the fish were introduced at the exact same time. But once they get their territory set up (i.e. the whole tank), fights would probably break out in similar looking tangs (like Scopas/Yellow/Sailfin).

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