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JamesL's 24g Symbiosis Tank


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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome. I showed my g/f and she thought he was eating the crab. It's a porcelain crab, right? She wants one now. Naturally..."pet with a pet" are her favorite.

Thanks for the picture. It's great.

Yes, that is a porcelain crab. They are awesome when they sit there sifting the water with their little "fans".

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

A few quick updates. After the Dome meeting, I started upping my feeding schedules for the tanks to every other day. Of course the fish and anemones where happy about it... but not sure my birds nest in this tank where. I left for a few days and came back to my green birds nest browned out. Some light reading suggested that too much nutrients in the water will cause this as the brown algae in the coral multiply to help handle it. So basically you have to starve SPS to make them pretty in color (silly colored sticks).

Other than that, I have not seen my pom pom crab, but that is not a surprise as he was tiny. But I also have not seen my two sexy shrimp. They normally where hanging around the front of the tank in the Kenya tree. I think they might goners... maybe the pistol shrimp go them, as they did hang around near one of his entrances.

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I've read the same thing about the SPS. It's kinda sad, but I don't think it's quite that cut and dried. I think it's that different alga like different lights and nutrients. so, you starve one out and the other takes over. After the "feed more" meeting my blue digi is redder than ever...ehem...not sure it really is a blue digi. But my birdsnest is hanging colors constantly. He may be in too low of light though.

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  • 2 months later...

*tap tap* Is this thing on?

Thought I would give a quick update on the tank, since I am in the process of replacing the lights. It was time for the MH bulb to be replaced, so I have started the transition to LEDs.

I just added a 18" Current Orbit LED strip to the tank. The good, the blues are fantastic:



The other good thing is the cool scheduling and light ramping you can do with them.

The bad? The white are not that bright. I foresee a BML reef strip in my near future for the tank.

Other tank updates:

I lost the last anemone shrimp I had put in. He got caught in the surface skimmer and just never made a recovery. The sexy shrimp have vanished too.

Not sure on the status of the pom pom crab, as he was super tiny to begin with, but haven't seen it in a long time.

The birds nest colonies I have bounced back in color and have been growing tons.

My poor rose BTA just has had it rough. I had a salinity spike, which I think caused it to start bleaching. It has bleached pretty badly at this point. Trying to keep the feedings up on it, and hoping the new lights will also help. To make matters worse (maybe), it split the other day... so far the two anemones are sticking right in the same spot.

The clowns seem like they want to lay eggs, but haven't seen any yet.

And that is the update.

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  • 1 month later...

Never mind. I just saw on their site they have 18" ones now.

Yeah, but it is like you said. They basically packaged a 12" in a longer body. For my needs, it should work fine.

i think that the 20" i got was $1 per extra inch. i may be confused. but i know it was very cheap compared to the cost of the light.

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So are the lights all the way across? I couldn't tell from their site. I have a biocube 29 and have 3 bml in the original hood.

Not quite all the way edge to edge with the lights. There seems to be an inch or so blank non-lit space on each end. My 48" BML lights have LEDs all the way to the end caps.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, this tank is still going smile.png

I just added a new RBTA this past Saturday... the clowns are really happy and started hosting in it that same day. My other one bleached out after a salinity spike (note to self, don't dose calcium in a small tank).

On a side note, these (very poor quick) pictures show how much my birds nest has grown on the year.



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Since I had the camera out, tried taking some pictures of the small tank. Problem was the tank walls needed scraped.

The clowns in their new anemone:


The clowns acting like sharks at the surface:


Artsy picture of my BML reflecting on the surface:


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Looks like everything's growing in nicely. How did dosing calcium mess up your salinity?

I don't have/remember the specifics, but I think it was Dana Riddle at C4 this year mentioned something about too much calcium could cause extra salt to be produced in an aquarium. I was lazy dosing this tank with 2 part for the birds nest. Lazy in that every so often I would add some, but never test... a big no-no in this hobby, especially with small tanks. Well, at one point the anemone started bleaching and I finally checked sanity and it was way up.

I since have stopped dosing CA in this tank, and just let the water changes replenish it.

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