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Does anyone's RODI Reservoir Stink?


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from what I remember fresh water bacteria should have its cells dried out from the salt pulling the water through the cell wall. The RODI should be stripped of ions and the charge in the SW should handle the bacteria appropriately?

maybe I'm just way off on this cause I woke up but I think this is how I remember the class. It was a summer semester so it was sort of a blur.

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If it's bacteria that keep coming back and you keep cleaning the storage container then the source of the bacteria is coming from your RO unit. It could be living within the RO unit itself or in one of the hoses and re-seeds your storage container every time you refill it.

As Beijerinck said "Everything is everywhere, and the environment selects," meaning our surroundings are filled with fungal spores, algae, actinomycetes, and bacterial cells of all kinds and the only ones that grow and proliferate are the ones that best adapt to the environment that is present. So really our tanks are being bombarded constantly by different microorganisms, but only the ones that are adapted to live in saline environments will actually survive and reproduce. It's porbably nothing your tank hasn't already been exposed to before.

Even if this freshwater bacterial species has the ability to survive in your tank, the chances that it’s parasitic are slim to none. If anything they will just die off and release any nutrients or toxins in them into your tank, but since they are surviving on VERY little nutrients in your RO water and don’t have to compete with any other microbes for resources, I seriously doubt they could release anything.

If the smell really bothers you then I would suggest replacing the RO filters, spray rubbing alcohol in the cannisters and let them dry for a little and replace the hose. But other than that, I'm sure the water is safe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My ROdi containers smell like nothing, my salt mixing containers smell like the reef salt I use. It's the kalkwasser containers that smell funny. I don't always use the exact same ones. I've got 5 buckets that I interchange depending on what is empty. Without fail the ones that store kalk always smell like pickles. It's really strong.

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according to another post made by buckeye in the past your suppose to break down the unit and soak all the parts in a bleach solution, then rinse well with clean water and reassemble using silicone grease on the o rings and threaded areas. (thats the short brief side of it, their post was way longer when they posted.)

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