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Tang recommendations

Toxiq Reef

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The Clown Tang are cool looking, require a good sized tank, Achilles Tang, one of my favorites is the Chevron Tang, but I like the juvi colors better than the adult. Few different types of Naso Tang get good sized as well.

Disclaimer: other than the Chevron Tang, I've never kept any of these, but if I had a tank that could hold them, these are ones I'd look at.

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Blonde Naso. How old are your yellow tangs? From what I've seen in my tanks the Zebrasoma sp. only grow about 1/2" a year on average so it can take 4 or 5 years for maturity. Also I've had in two cases a purple and yellow pair up and and take out every all the other yellows. I've also had one instance of three yellows getting along fine in a 120 for over 5 years then one decided a third needed to be gone and would have killed it in short order if the tank wasn't torn apart to remove it. Your best bet is going to be only one speciman per species and try to avoid having two from the same genus. In a small tank I wouldn't have an issue with adding a school of the same species but WHEN they start to mature it's realativly easy to remove the problem child. In your 300 this just isn't going to be practical.

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I love the clown tang but don't know anyone who has kept one alive more than a few months. I love my purple tang, but once my yellow died (they grew up together) he wouldn't tolerate the addition of any younger yellows.

One of my favorites now is a gorgeous Desjardini Sailfin that I got from the Aquadome. Here's a pic Jake took of it at the last meeting:


I'd add a +1 to the blonde Naso that Tim mentioned.

Regardless of what you choose, make sure to quarantine and have some kind of ich treatement plan (UV, medicated food, etc.). As much as I love the tangs they seem to add all sorts of parasite issues that are much easier to anticipate than to deal with after.

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I'd say a smaller tang like a Chevron since you already have two Zebrasoma tangs.

Think that 6 foot length is hurting you a bit.

Planning out a 10ft+ tank and I'm even on the fence for a Sohal/Achilles/Naso etc...

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