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The 5 facts


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1.) I have seen over 580 species of birds in North America.

2.) I keep venomous snakes and tarantulas in addition to my tank.

3.) I owned a turquoise and white 58 Edsel Corsair Show Car with 53,000 original miles that won over 20 trophies.

4.) During my college years I traveled the country selling sports memorabilia at card shows around the nation.

5.) I first met the woman I married in 7th grade at age 11, we began dating when we were 15 and we have been married for seventeen years.


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1. I'm extremely social - I'm more comfortable in crowds.

2. I'm a hardcore animal rights advocate. I spent 4 years drawing up the rescue facility I hope to build someday in Liberty Hill.

3. When I was 38 I went to college for the first time (studying engineering design graphics (AutoCAD) and GIS.

4. I love information. Any kind, about anything. I have million bits of useless trivia stored in my head.

5. I've never been on an airplane, a city bus, or in a taxi.

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1. I'm stubborn like the breed of dog I've been devoting my life to (run my own nonprofit Rottweiler Rescue group)

2. I usually can find a way to get what I want.

3. From Massachusetts and will never go back.

4. I am intrigued by all living creatures and live amongst seven dogs, lots of fish, lizards, frogs, toads, snakes, a cat and a husband of 11 years.

5. For every good thing that happens to me, numerous bad follow.


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1) I drove from Washington, D.C. to Austin in under 24 hours. :rock:

2) Almost 5 years after starting college, I'm still a sophmore(shhh, please don't tell); meanwhile; I have a cousin who graduated from Harvard and programs for Google, and another cousin who is an engineer at LosAlamos. <_<

3) I got a credit card for the first time this October to finance my reef and i'm already 90% to my credit limit. :doh:

4) I can't get enough stereo equipment. dj.gif

5) I watch TV more that most people sleep. :wacko:

Edited by 4R00P3R
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1.) I've been married (to the same wonderful woman) for 27 years!

2.) I have 2 precious granddaughters.

3.) I'm an Air Force brat (so is my wife), so I have lived in more places I can count.

4.) I play the guitar.

5.) I'm a computer geek (IT professional).

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1. I am 44 going on 24. old age is for geriatrics, I listen to heavy metal and drive like a 16 year old in Daddy's car on Friday night. :o

2. I have almost been hit by a bus and had a plane crash in my back yard.

3. I have been married and divorced twice. I may be married again but never divorced again...funerals are cheaper. :D I am with my current g-f / fiance` for the second time in 6 years after a 5 year absence. It was meant to be.

4. I work too hard and play too hard...my body is in a constant state of revolt.

5. I returned home to Austin (aka paradise) after being away for 10 years. I should have come home sooner, I don't know this place anymore.

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1. I met my wife on the Internet, 8 years ago. I was in Omaha, NE and she was in San Antonio.

2. I love humor. Without humor life would be no fun.

3. I can count my true friends (family excluded) on one hand. I must completely trust people before I consider them friends.

4. I can't stand to be board. I must have something going on at all times. Building or working on something.

5. I will do anything to help anyone. I am a true believer in karma!


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1. studied in two contries france & japan

2. attempting without success to attract the eye of a pretty girl from zoology class

3. I live and work at Texas State University

4. I love to swing dance

5. I dont ever do it the simple way, I do it my way

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1) My first job was in a pet store.

2) I have never worked in a restaurant or fast food place.

3) I dislike chicken.

4) Moved from Michigan (and am not going back :blush: ).

5) My wife (of 2 years now) and I met on the road while separately driving home from functions.

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1. I had a regestered antique 1966 Cobra that I spent 7 years restoring. It (and me)are in a music video by "Cory Morrow" called "Texas Time Traveling".

2. I've lived all over the world as either being in the USAF or after as a GS-13 with the DOD on "Black Programs".

3. My friends call me "Renaissance Man", hence my handle, "RenMan" as I used to teach Kung-Fu, built cars, I'm a Luthier, Musician, Chef and owner of my own Restaurant in Georgetown, Texas; "Nonna's Cucina".

4. I have an 8 year old daughter. Nothing in life means more to me.

5. I met my wife while I was MIS Director at Four Seasons Hotel. I told my friend after first laying eyes on her, "I'm going to marry her". That was '99 and been married since.

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1. When I was a teenager, I spent a summer working as a carnie and traveled around to different fairs and carnivals , sleeping in an airstream

2. I've been a state champion in wrestling

3. When I first met my wife, this was my pickup line , " I forgot how to tie my shoelaces, so....can i have your phone number?" ( we're married now, so it totally worked )

4. I have a french bulldog named Pudge, but answers to Bubba

5. My first car was an orange 1980 Triumph TR7 convertible

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