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When life hands you lemons


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Well 2013 has been off to a rough start to say the least. I lost my full time job at the start if the year due to cut backs. Last week I fell asleep with topical acne medicine and somehow it got into my eyes while sleeping. I woke up practically blind in both eyes. In a panic we rushed to the doctor to find out I had chemically burned both corneas. Yesterday evening I was running trough the house and I stubbed my toe. Went to the doctor to get xrays and found out it was broken. On top of all that I found out that my wife and I are expecting our first child. Talk about a crazy week... Needless to say my plans for my tank have been placed on hold till I start a new job again and after the baby comes. Lucky for the two of us I make fair money Dj'ing so thats helped get us through the month. Aside from being ecstatic about a new baby we are also planning to buy a new house soon. Im hoping that once were all settled and on our feet Ill get to work on piecing together plans and do an in wall 120g! So while Im bummed about the rough start to the year and having to put any major purchases on hold for the tank for now. We are both thrilled to be welcoming a baby and finding a new home!

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I do graphic design I also have experience in telecommunications as well. Good thing is we may have a lead on a new house that is an awesome opportunity so hopefully itll work out for us and we'll be moving to pflugerville. Ive always said when I bought my first home we'd do an in wall so im certain at some point we'll do an in wall build when were all settled. Hopefully we wont have to resort to breaking down and selling the tank. Like most here my tank is a huge stress relief for me at the end of a long day. Being that we just got this one up and going too id hate to have to get rid of it but who knows. Thanks for all the input and help

Edited by AndrewT
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Wow, what a roller coaster! Hope you recover quickly my friend. I did the same thing to my toe about 4 weeks ago and it's still killing me. Good luck with that. My wife is a realtor if you need advice or help finding a home let me know.

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yeah I was on the phone with my mom and I rammed my foot into the corner of the couch and yelled a few obscenities into the phone innocent.gif . I didnt realize it was broken till I got home later that night and took my shoe off to reveal a purple foot. The incident with the eyes was by far the weirdest/painful. My dad has always said that Ive got horrible luck, but again the silver lining is finding out that ill be a dad. Hopefully ive got a future reefer/dj in the works. While it is stressful preparing for a baby. Im sure that itll be great when he/she arrives punk.gif

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Yeah thanks a bunch. Im a firm believer that with all the bad good will come. So hopefully things will look up soon. I have a meeting tonight with the owner of the house were looking at so. We may have pics of the new house if everything goes well!

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Im definitely wanting something big at least 6ft. If we end up getting the house that were looking at Ive already planned a spot for it haha. Maybe a 200? I just dont want to get in over my head Im not really too sure how to go about maintenance or whats required for the set up of a tank that size. Definitely wanting to do an in wall.

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Im sure Ill recruit some help when the time comes. Im going to do everything in my being to hang on to the tank as we both just got back into the hobby. Im hoping to maybe cut my music expenses and keep the tank. Were fortunate in the sense that the in laws are helping with the new home and with the baby so Im definitely grateful.

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Awesome news on the house. Congrats on the baby as well. Sorry to hear about your start of the year. I feel your pain. Hope your luck turns around. Not to hijack your post, but I have just as bad luck. Last year was horrible and I was so ready for a new 1. Last year I had a hernia removed, broke my big toe, pleaded not contest to a DWI, wife suffered an Ectopic pregnancy. My only positive thing from last year was getting married. Not looking too hot for me so far this year either though.

New Years Eve, wife's car battery died.

New Years day pipes busted at house.

New Years night dog had a seisure, and had to take him in.

On to the next week. My other dog is a puppy and is horrible. She does everything wrong. She was chewing on her collar and it nearly chocked her to death. I caught her just in time, but she poped a gland. Had to take her to the vet as well.

Was supposed to receive package on Jan.16th from work. Got extended. Was really looking forward to that. Supposedly getting it Feb.27th, but I don't believe anything my company tells me. Currently they are on the news for being possibly being bought out. I really don' t know what to do. I'm trying to just play my hand and not burn any bridges, but I'm not sure how this will turn out.

Today at 6:30, I lost my grandma. This was unexpected. I'm glad she is in a better place, but I miss her like crazy. Her and my gpa kept rotating being in hospital, and I was always working. Haven't seen them in 2 months. She spent a few days in the hospital last week from having fluid in her lungs. The doctor said she was good though, and we needed to realize she 87. I had my 1st weekend off last weekend in a few months. I wanted to see them, but I wanted to rest. Had planed to see them this week when they both were well and together. I regret not going so bad, and now I won't ever have that chance again.

Wife and me found out we are expecting a baby as well last Friday. I'm really excited about it, but scared. This is going to be my 1st. Last year on Feb.6th we suffered the Ectopic pregnancy and my wife had to have her tube removed. It was an awful expierence. First we were misdiagnosed by S&W and said it was a potential miscarriage, but everything was alright. She was in a lot of pain, and I told her lets go to an OBYGN. She said something was fishy, and she wanted to test her levels. She told me that if the pain came back to take her to ER immediately. That same night, it happened. I took her to the hospital, and they did Xrays. During the XRays, they found out it was in the tube. I saw the baby's heart beat and everything before it was removed. Yesterday, my wife was having pain and bleeding. Told her it was a possible miscarriage or implantation. The OBYGN told us that it was implantation, and did XRay's. All is good, and the baby showed up in Ultrasound. So far so good.

I was in the process of looking for a 200g. I already have 2mp40's, apex, sump, skimmer, LEDs. Not sure what to do now. Should I stop, or continue my dream? We both wanted it, and wanted Sting Rays. I've already put a lot of $ into it. No way I can recoup that $. However, I know having a baby is expensive. I'm thinking that if I put a little bit aside, that eventually I'll have enough.

I also have a 75g tank that I was planning on setting up as a freshwater. It is an acrylic rimless tank that I love. It had some light scratches, and removing them was going to be my project during my unemployment. The stand needed to be sanded down and repainted as well. Now, the room it's is in will now be the baby's room. Also, wife bought me a flat screen and a stand that hangs the screen on it for CMAS. Was going to put it up when I was unemployeed as well. I don't know what to do with all that stuff now. I have a flat screen in all the other rooms, and don't know where to put it. I have a old projection tv in the garage, but we hardly ever watch it in there. Think it would be a waste out there.

The 1 thing that I can take out of all this is the positive strides I have made in life. I have stopped taking Xanex, smoking and drinking. I stopped drinking the night I got arrested. 10/16/11. I truly blame Xanex for that arrest, so I decided to stop taking it even though I needed it for my anxiety. I was told that if I cut it cold turkey, that I would get sick. I was sick for a week, but it made me proud of myself. I quit smoking soon after. I have established a better relationship with God then I have ever had. This has changed my life. I started listening to Christian music, going to church more often, and reading the bible. I've learned so much during this time, and I know Christ will get me thru all these pains and trials of life.

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Andrew, life throws curve balls when we expect the same old fast ball. I to was scared about my 1st kid and everyone in my family told me "put it in the Lords hands and he will always provide and prevail". When I stress about money, paying bills, etc at the end of it all everything gets paid or taken care of. Trust in yourself and great thing WILL happen. Congrats on the newbie!!!

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Yeah man that sounds pretty rough. I feel your pain though we had a sick pup here too about 2 weeks ago. We were kind of in the same boat with the tank wed already started piecing together parts for a bigger tank as well. We both collectively decided to keep our 75 and just hold off on the bigger tank till after the baby comes. I think for me personally the tank helps me keep my sanity. It gives me something to focus my time on when Im feeling bummed. Not to mention what James said theyre apparently great baby soothers(Thats how I rationalize not getting rid of it).... As for the corneas. They put some dye and antibiotics in my eye and gave me something for pain. I had this antibiotic type stuff that I had to put in my eyes for a week. It sucked cause the texture is about the same as neosporin which you can imagine doesnt feel great in your eyes.... Thank you to everyone that chimed in. We will be making our move to Pflugerville in march. Well through some pics up of the new place once were in hopefully Ill get settled at a new job soon. Hope everything looks up for you to Niko!

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Thanks Andrew. Eyes sound pretty painful. Crazy start to the year for both of us. Awesome we both we be blessed with with newbies by the end of the year 2. My wife told me told me today she wanted an aquarium today in the babies room. Ill be able to switch out the 75 with 29. Yeah, I totaly agree with you on the sanity part. Im in the same boat. Good luck with the search of a new job.

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Haha my wife said the same thing about the tank in the babies room... its going in my office though. Yeah Im very fortunate that I Dj and make decent money or else we'd definitely be up a creek. Im looking forward to getting set up in the new home and having the option in the future to have my dream tank set up in the living room! Good luck with the little one and congrats again man

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