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FarmerTy's non-build build thread


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A little too late to be starting a build thread but just wanted to start a thread where I can post updates on my tank. Rory's (Juiceman) filming and photos of his tank inspired me to try a little myself. All were shot with my phone (Samsung Galaxy S3) and edited on the computer afterwards. Don't laugh too much, I don't consider myself artistic in any way or even handy with a camera. Just looking for another way to enjoy a hobby that gives me so much already. Enjoy!


My Video - give it about a couple more hours on the video... Youtube is editing out the shakiness of the picture. Best watched in HD and NOT fullscreen... I only shot at 720p to save space and it didn't come out as sharp as I would like for fullscreen. Next time I won't skimp on 1080p. Sorry I'm so stingy with my storage guys... Video is kind of long, almost feel asleep to it myself while editing last night. I will give you kudos points for making it through the whole thing.


Here are some pictures I took and edited with my phone. Pretty neat to do since I used a simple android app to edit the photos to my liking.

Chips Acro:


Green Goni:


Maricultured blue tip Tenius:


Purple Stylo:


ORA Hawkins Echinata:


Skittles Stag:


Special Edition Mr. Saltwater Undata (go Mark!) and Green spongades?:


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Whoa, WesReyn, you posted so fast that it scared me!

Thanks! The PE is sometimes a bit annoying on some coral (can't see base color) and great on the milles. Think it has to do with no mechanical filtration (lots of stuff in the water column) and a higher Mg level (1400).


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Some FTS progressions. I am proud to say everything in my tank was either a 2" or smaller frag (minus the red cap and the pagoda cup... ok... you got me... and the fishes).









Looking forward to adding the last shot in February 2013 for a full year look-back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I added a couple more pictures I took with my fiance's iphone this time. It tends to pick up the blues a bit better.



Oregon Tort


Fuzzy Acro


Vivid Strawberry Shortcake


Cali Tort


Uknown Acro


Skittles Stag


Tri-color Acro


ORA Hawkins Echinata


Chips Acro


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So... been thinking about it for the last couple of weeks and I've decided to set up a quarantine tank. I've been all over some of the bigger reefing forums and AEFW seems to be a plague. What scares me more is that my tank is more SPS dominant these days than anything, however, most are still small frags. I've heard of some big-time SPS tanks with years of growth being shut down due to AEFW and I am not interested in that happening to me. What scares me the most is statements such as, "Most people don't even realize they have AEFWs" or ,"I've seen AEFW at my LFS". I wonder how common these statements are?

My paranoia, combined with the fact that I have all the frags I could want right now, put me at an optimal juncture in my tank life where I can do it the right way. I plan on removing and QT'ing all SPS in my reef tank for 6-8 weeks. I want a fresh start so that I can be assured that there are no pests currently in that tank that I am not interested in having in my tank further down the line (AEFW and red bugs).

Once my tank is guaranteed clean, I will continue to use the QT for all incoming corals/fish that enters my tank from now on... we're talking 4 week QT prior to touching the water in my DT. Previously, I have been dipping everything prior to entering my tank, but that won't stop AEFW if there are some eggs on any of the pieces. Dipping is good insurance, but it's not as guaranteed as a QT.

Sounds crazy even typing this let alone doing it but at least this way I know for sure that my livestock will be safe. I plan to start this weekend and will update with pics and treatment as I go. I think this is a small investment in time to save my investment in the corals I have so that one day I can have that tank I always wanted... with no worries of pests.


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Well, I got a wild hair when I got home and went ahead and set up the quarantine tank and dipped all the acros in the tank.

I started by siphoning water from the DT into the QT and then adding some eggcrate, a powerhead, a heater, and a 150-watt MH light.

I removed all acros from the DT and dipped them for 5 mins in a Bayer Advanced Pesticide dip. Afterwards, I rinsed them in fresh tank water and placed them in the QT.


Luckily, all my frags fit in the QT tank though it was kind of a tight squeeze!


Here's a shot of my tank after removing all the acros.


Doesn't look horribly sad but definitely already missing my tank. Guess I will have to get used to it because this is what I will be looking at for the next 6 weeks.

The goal is to dip once a week and place all the acros back in the DT. I will also replace the water in the QT with water from the DT at least once a week to keep the water quality stable.

I will update with progress if anything interesting happens. Hopefully, the process stays nice and boring! whistle.gif

One step closer to guaranteeing a pest-free tank! And I plan to keep the QT going for all new frags and fishes that want to make a bid to live in the DT. The goal is 4 weeks minimum QT for any new frag or fish before it hits the display. Wish me luck!


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Good luck Ty. I'm in the same boat. Not fun but at least it is only 6-8 weeks and not 6-8 months. Also, you may want to filter your DT water if you plan on using it for QT water. There are free-floating AEFWs and I would hate for you to introduce AEFWs into your QT tank and have to start the clock over again.

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I didn't think about free floating AEFW. I didn't think they would be in the water column. I wonder what size micron filter would be sufficient to filter them out of the water?

I couldn't really tell if there were any flatworms as I used a pretty high concentration of Bayer. There was mostly sps slime and a bunch of stuff stuck to it... and I think I pretty much committed genocide on my mini brittle star population. There were at least 25 dead ones at the bottom of the treatment bucket.

The marks on one piece of coral I thought had potential to be bites but it was actually polyp formation areas. There was however one worm that I saw that could have been a AEFW but it looked a little to red to me. Might have been a red planaria if I had to take a guess.

Yes, I am glad it is only 6-8 weeks versus months!

My next step is to kill any encrusting base left in the tank from the removal of my acros tonight. I was thinking of epoxy over the larger pieces and scraping the smaller. Anybody have a better idea out there?

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