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Return line siphon break / loud


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On the return from my sump I have 3/4" PVC up the overflow and spraying into the tank. I drilled a small hole in the elbow of the PVC to make a siphon break in case of a power outage, or return pump failure, or if I just turn it off, so I don't overflow my sump. The problem is it is sooooo loud.

I see that Home Depot has s 3/4" PVC In-Line Check Valve. It seems that that would serve the same purpose as the small hole without the sound. What I don't know is if I'll lose a bunch of return pressure (flow), or what my chances are that it may fail. Does anyone have any input on this, or other ways to reduce the sound from the water spraying out of the siphon break whole?

This is that I was looking at:


Thanks for your input!

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BRS sells some good quality check valves that should have minimal effect on head pressure. They're not cheap though. I would be slightly hesitant with using a cheap one. It wouldn't be uncommon for one to fail considering how much film can accumulate in tubing.

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with my setup I drilled a hole in the 90 then stuck a section of 1/4 inch air tubing to inject the air lower in the pipe, it works like a mufffler of a car, my tubing is about 1 ft long just looped back over itsself a few tiems. It works to silence my issue.... maybe it will work for you

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I thought about using airline. But I was not sure it would fix the sound issue, and still prevent the siphon. Would it be possible for you to provide a pic of how you have it? You still have water shooting out of it under normal operation, correct? I do get how that would muffle the sound. But where is the open end of the tube? It will catch air in the event of the pump shutting off right?

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I once tried the homedepot check valve option... wet floor...

If you have your siphon break hole drilled just below the water line you won't hear a thing. If you have a power outage it'll only siphon out a gallon or two before reaching drill hole (assuming you have a gallon or two to spare in sump).

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I once tried the homedepot check valve option... wet floor...

If you have your siphon break hole drilled just below the water line you won't hear a thing. If you have a power outage it'll only siphon out a gallon or two before reaching drill hole (assuming you have a gallon or two to spare in sump).

I'll have to look at that. I mod'd my drain pipe to be a durso standpipe, to reduce the drain noise. So the overflow box has a close to constant water level, I think even if the return pump was off. I guess I'd only need the water to drop about a 1/4 of an inch though. Thanks for the idea.

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Didn't think about this, but what's your return consist of? I run 3/4" locline on my return and point it up so it ends just about 1/2" below the water. This way it breaks almost instantly if the return pump shuts off.

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Yeah, your siphon break hole should be under water.

It's fine if it is under water in normal operation, but it needs to be out of water when the pump is off (or as the water lowers to the sump) so that the air enters the line to "break" the siphon.

Didn't think about this, but what's your return consist of? I run 3/4" locline on my return and point it up so it ends just about 1/2" below the water. This way it breaks almost instantly if the return pump shuts off.

Yeah, and I'm protected a bit by this, I have 3/4 PVC to Loc-line as well. The outlet of the loc-line will eventually be above water, just rather it not siphon much at all.

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You shouldn't hear it in normal operation, regardless of where it is. Once it breaks the siphon, you shouldn't have any noise either. Got a pic? I do like jestep, I have my loc line placed such that it acts as a siphon break. Mines a few inches under but its ok for my setup.

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i have a waterfall type overflow and it took a few different fitting to figure out a way to make it silent and provide flow. Those HD check valves are junk, Aquacave sells a nice check valve. i have 1 on each return line and they have saved me numerous times. Dont go cheap.

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Made a few changed today, and the difference is night and day! I drilled the siphon break hole in the elbow a bit larger and stuck some air tube in the hole, like you suggested BIO. I then routed the tube to go between the loc-line and the overflow wall so the water that come out of the airline shoots into the tube just below the waterline. So it will catch air almost right away if the return pump fails and will break the siphon.

Still have some overall things I'd like to do to bring the sound down, better pumps etc. But this was a big difference. Thanks for all the ideas!

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