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Best Way To Pull Out Pesky Crustaceans

George Monnat Jr

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if you could just babysit for a few days so I could take a vacation, that would be great.

I think being a reefer and taking a vacation are mutually exclusive. Now, a "vacation" is defined as stress and worry equaling the square of the number of miles between me and my DT.

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Over the weekend, I managed to catch one Peppermint Shrimp, my Emerald Crab, and every stinking molly three times. The Cleaner Shrimp won't go into a confined space, I guess because they can't have their antennae out to sense what's in there. Before they get brave enough, the stupid mollies are all in there and have eaten the bait. I'm going to try a different tactic.

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I would just catch the mollies and put them in a bowl off to the side until you get everyone else caught. When I had my cleaner whenever I had my hand close to it it would just on and try to clean it and i'm sure you can net it easily that way.

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I would just catch the mollies and put them in a bowl off to the side until you get everyone else caught.

That's part of my new, three-pronged approach.

When I had my cleaner whenever I had my hand close to it it would just on and try to clean it and i'm sure you can net it easily that way.

The cleaners won't approach my hand if the net, baster, or anything else is in the water nearby, and if the net is farther out the shrimp move faster than I can move the net. I'm being outwitted by shrimp. doh.gif

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reduce the feeding on the tank and then carry in a tiny bit of krill in your hand, let them clean and eat and use your hand as the net.... was the only way i got some shrimp out of my tank. Just closed my finger tips slowly and lifted out so he didnt have a chance to dart.

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reduce the feeding on the tank and then carry in a tiny bit of krill in your hand, let them clean and eat and use your hand as the net.... was the only way i got some shrimp out of my tank. Just closed my finger tips slowly and lifted out so he didnt have a chance to dart.

I didn't feed the tank for four days. Last night I started worrying about things I wanted to keep eating each other, so I broke down and fed. I've tried the hand trap once or twice. I may have to try it again, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried yet another bottle trap with no luck. So far all I've caught is two Peppermint Shrimp (if that's all you want, I can get one to you at any time). The main problem is the trap needs to be wide and really deep. If it's too narrow, the cleaner shrimp won't go into it. If it's too shallow, they can grab the bait and scoot out without being trapped. I'm still looking for a better trap.

On a side note, Monday night I threw some spirulina flakes in my 20g just before bed and was badly traumatized. The three mollies and the two Peppermint Shrimp went nuts as I hadn’t fed them in a couple of days. One of the Peppermints grabbed ahold of the big Golden Lyretail Molly’s male parts. It either thought it had something good to eat or couldn’t let go for some reason, because it went for one heck of a ride. The molly went understandably ape poop and started swimming at lightning speed in loops and trying to brush off the shrimp against the rocks. That lasted about 5 seconds, but it played out in seeming slow motion that lasted forever. It was horrible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night I was able to grab the big Porcelain Anemone Crab (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai). It had attacked my smaller Porcelain Anemone Crab (N. maculatus) and ripped off another main claw and feeder arm, so I (gently) snagged it. It's now in my 20g and ready for Capt. Obvious or someone to pick up.

You may want to hurry, because it's in the 20g with a voracious Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni complex). That jerk is the most likely suspect for stripping the Sargassum bush and making my beloved Pederson Cleaner/Anemone Shrimp (Periclimenes pedersoni) and another Peppermint Shrimp. The Pederson Shrimp went missing about a week after putting the two Peppermint Shrimp in the 20g, and yesterday the other Peppermint Shrimp disappeared. It's a small tank with little in it, and the other Peppermint Shrimp didn't show up to two feedings.

Robb in Austin, do you want this monster? I bet it's great at eating Aiptasia. If you do, you can pick it up whenever.

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any luck with the skunks?

Don't get me started. No. I've devised complicated traps with big openings, and they ignore them.


That's a racquetball tube super glued into the 2L bottle trap so it has a wider mouth to entice the big shrimp in. Didn't work.

I can only starve the tank so much, then I break down and have to feed. They are such greedy bastages that I can't not feed them. I need to devise a big net that'll catch them without snagging anything else (rocks, coral, etc.). Or just get a shop vac with a wide nozzle.

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I've read posts where folks are using mag drives, with half a coke bottle coupled to the intake port, and a small piece of screen/frag grid in the coke bottle. They also couple a small tube to the outlet port of the mag drive, and use it to blow the shrimp off its roost, or to corner it, then you just flip the mag around, and use the vacuum from the inlet port/coke bottle side, and suck them into your trap. It's like underwater ghostbusters... if the light is green.... the trap is clean.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally caught one of the big Pacific Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp! I used the net and got it cornered against the front glass. I almost got a second one. I also pulled out one my Emerald Crabs, because it has grown big enough to where I'm not comfortable with it around my Sexy Shrimp.

Mitch, victoly, or Brian, do any of you wish to come by tomorrow and pick up the shrimp? I have it in a bucket of DT water I just pulled out for a water change.

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