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New to ARC and TOTALLY excited


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My husband (moiseschiu) and I (prettyfishy76) became Premium members of ARC today. I can't tell you how excited we are to belong to this group. It will be so nice to start meeting people who share an affinity for maintaining saltwater aquariums. Our current circle of friends look bored when we start talking "fish." If no schedule conflicts arise, we will be attending the 10/20 meeting this weekend.

Our trip to DFW MACNA this year inspired us to be more social with our hobby. We met so many WONDERFUL people there and can't wait to meet more.

We have been keeping saltwater aquariums for 6 years and have recently taken on the challenge of keeping seahorses. While at MACNA, we acquired some "extra" seahorses - this was not planned, I promise. Haha. Our current tanks have been nano-sized, but due to our new additions, we are looking to upgrade our seahorse tank!

Current Tanks: 34 gallon Solana (h. Erectus Seahorses), 29g NanoCube (clownfish/BTA, Pajama Cardinal, Yellow Watchman Goby and his Pistol Shrimp friend, various corals), 7g Fluval (wild-type Betta rubras).

I have attached a photo of the "ponies."


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Welcome aboard, it's always great to have new members discover the club and become active.

I love the lightning sponge, and it appears your horses do as well! We'd love to see more pics of your setup so consider getting a thread going describing your builds and post some pics in the FTS - Full Tank Shot section. Hope to see you at the meeting this weekend!

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Thank you all so much for the warm welcome!

Welcome. That sponge looks awesome with the seahorses.

I appreciate the compliment on the sponge. I try and take the best care of it, because it is one of the favorite pieces of livestock that I have. Each week I scrub it by hand to remove any algae build-up. Haha.

Wow nice herd! Welcome!

MACNA was cool this year. Can't wait to go to Miami next year.

The DFW MACNA was my first EVER. My husband and I had so much fun. I hardly remember sitting down all weekend. All we did was walk around the vendor floor. Even when we left, it felt as if we should have had more time there. I would love to go to the one in Miami, but we'll see.

Welcome aboard, it's always great to have new members discover the club and become active.

I love the lightning sponge, and it appears your horses do as well! We'd love to see more pics of your setup so consider getting a thread going describing your builds and post some pics in the FTS - Full Tank Shot section. Hope to see you at the meeting this weekend!

I'll start getting some pictures taken so that I can share!

Welcome. If you can keep seahorses, then you can keep anything!

I hope so!

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It's so great to see another seahorse keeper! Welcome to the club!

Are there really that few of us out there? I have actually been told to seek you out by multiple people are the local fish stores in regards to seahorses. You're a seahorse keeper celebrity!


Thank you!

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