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Drink Like a Fish Social (Thursday) by Fish Gallery- Austin


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Fish Gallery is coming to Austin. The store is being built on N. Lamar, a few blocks north of the Blackstar Coop pub, next to the original Threadgills. At the Houston store they regularly have Drink Like a Fish socials in the store. Since the store isn't built yet but we want to start drinking and talking fish now we are having a social this Thursday at 7:30 at Butterfly Bar over on Manor Rd. The future managers of the Austin store, plus some of the Houston crew will be there. So if you're free Thursday let Fish Gallery buy you a drink and come talk fish with us. Bring pics/videos of your tanks!

More details on the facebook event.

What: Drinking and talking fish with Fish Gallery Austin crew

When: Thursday, 7:30pm

Where: Butterfly Bar, 2307 Manor Rd.

Who: you!

Why: beer and fishes

(stay tuned for Fish Gallery sponsor forum)


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When I was an undergrad at A&M I was in charge of the aquatics. I still contribute to the display reef in the biology building. They haven't had the budget the last couple years to hire a student to maintain it so it has faded since I was there. But they found someone good to work on it this semester. I am coming to visit this weekend. I'll probably bring a couple corals to help them start over (oh and to hit Layne's while I am there). You should check it out if you have a chance. I'm going to try to help them restock slowly over the next few months, so I am going to be trying to get my hands on all the frags I can!

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That's killer. I actually haven't seen the tank. When I did my undergrad I actually never went into the biology building. What size tank is it? So far I have only met two people here in town that have reef tanks. I'll have to go check it out at some point. Where in the building is it?

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When I was an undergrad at A&M I was in charge of the aquatics. I still contribute to the display reef in the biology building. They haven't had the budget the last couple years to hire a student to maintain it so it has faded since I was there. But they found someone good to work on it this semester. I am coming to visit this weekend. I'll probably bring a couple corals to help them start over (oh and to hit Layne's while I am there). You should check it out if you have a chance. I'm going to try to help them restock slowly over the next few months, so I am going to be trying to get my hands on all the frags I can!

Let me know if you need any help, I'm class of '93 and my son just started there in the Corps this semester, so we'll be heading to see him for a few games.

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It needs all the help it can get. They have very little budget and are constantly under threat of losing the space for it. It is 125gallons. It was beatiful in my day ('01-'05) and then the kid after me killed everything and it never really recovered since. I'm going to check it out. If anyone wants to donate frags we/they would appreciate it.

I know at least one reef keeper in B/CS. I'll have to get him on the board, maybe we can do a College Station rollcall. Maybe I can sweet talk Fish Gallery into running stuff out to B/CS or have an Aggie deal in Houston or Austin. Hrmm.

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When I was an undergrad at A&M I was in charge of the aquatics. I still contribute to the display reef in the biology building. They haven't had the budget the last couple years to hire a student to maintain it so it has faded since I was there. But they found someone good to work on it this semester. I am coming to visit this weekend. I'll probably bring a couple corals to help them start over (oh and to hit Layne's while I am there). You should check it out if you have a chance. I'm going to try to help them restock slowly over the next few months, so I am going to be trying to get my hands on all the frags I can!

Let me know if you need any help, I'm class of '93 and my son just started there in the Corps this semester, so we'll be heading to see him for a few games.

That's killer. I actually haven't seen the tank. When I did my undergrad I actually never went into the biology building. What size tank is it? So far I have only met two people here in town that have reef tanks. I'll have to go check it out at some point. Where in the building is it?

It's in BSBE (bio east) right next to Heldenfels, not far from the quad. If its open you might be able to pop in and see if you are down there before the band starts marching.

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