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Went from 10K MH to 20K MH

Mike Mays

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It was time to replace my bulbs and I thought I might like it more blue, so got a 20K from RCA. My welso and my red brain are not happy with the new lights. Is this normal? How long should I give them to adjust be for panicking and getting another 10K?

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Did you keep the same photoperiod Mike? I would suspect the higher par jump from old bulbs to new bulbs more than I suspect 10k to 20k.

Either case, it is always a good idea to drop the photoperiod to something like 4 hrs from whatever yours was before (5-10) each time your replace bulbs, especially if its been about a year since the last change.

Last question, were they the same bulb brand?

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Ease into the new photo period. Even though the intensity is way different, a new bulb may be a lot brighter than you think. Also a 10 - 20K is a huge change in the spectrum. I would start back at an hour or two per day and work back up to your full schedule over the course of a few weeks or a month. You shouldn't need to revert, but just give the corals a graduated period to adjust.

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I've measure almost a 50% difference in the light output between a 12,000K and 20,000K with new bulbs in identical fixtures and ballasts (20,000K being much dimmer). To make bluer or higher color temperature bulbs the manufacturers reduce the red/yellow spectrum not add more blue light. Add the fact the florescing pigments in corals are only sensitive to a single excitation wavelength and depending on the coral species and pigment used the wavelength needed may be any where between 399 nm to 585nm. It's quite reasonable to assume the change in spectrum has reduced or removed the wavelength your corals were using to look or floresce a certain color. The dramatic change in intensity could most certainly be a factor as well. Considering corals may take weeks or months to adapt and it has not been very long since you changed bulbs I would be inclined to switch back to new 10,000K bulbs if it was my tank.

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