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Being in the USAF during Woodstock, I have only indirect sources for details of this event. A friend, who has invited me to Kerrville Folk Fest in the past, kidnapped me for three days of camping and participating in scheduled concert events until noon and spontaneous events from midnight to dawn. I am resting up from this "blast to the past".

As things worked out, Bruce Newman (played at April Frag Swap) sponsored me for free entrance. He also introduced me to the people that make this festial happen. After a short time, I was drafted into being project manager for wastewater beneficial reuse of "gray water" and sewage water. As water retention and reuse of this resource is critical in Texas Hill Country, I have already employed these techniques at my personal residence. Because I am retired, I have ample time to devote to this project and look forward to working with these "beautiful people" that make the Kerrvile Folk MusicFest happen.

Power to the "beautiful people",


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HAPPY B-DAY PATRICK....I have to go to Kerville one of these days....

This festival is some kind of fun. If you like folk, country or blues you will find some of it all. When I was being introduced, it was mentioned that this was my first visit to the festival. "Welcome home" was always the verbal response. I have never been hugged by more beautiful woman than at this festival. For a single man it is some kind of an adventure.


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