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Quarantine cuc?


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I've read mixed reviews on the topic. I'd like to hear your ideas on quarantining practices for clean up crews, ESPECIALLY as it pertains to adding more CUC to an established and already stocked tank. Mine is a bit on the light side, with only about 10 snails and one emerald crab for a 55 gallon tank.

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Awesome. Right now I have about 5 Astraea snails, and 5 or so turbo snails, one emerald crab, sand sifting star (everyone says to get rid of but he came with the tank, has been alive for a while, must get enough to eat), and some smaller snails I can't id. I'd like to add about double the snails and maybe a few red leg hermit crabs in the near future but don't want to inherit ich and kill my fish!

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The hermits crabs you could just drop in tap water for one or two minutes. DO NOT DO THIS WITH ORNAMENTAL SHRIMP! There are very few diseases that will cross between phylum and with scavengers we very rarely mix as many different species together like we do corals and fish. If a parasite for a fish gets transfered it's going to be in the water, highly unlikely a cyst would remain attached to a inverts during acclimation so don't ever put water the animal came with in any tank. This being said the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) certification guidelines dictate QT for everything.

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Ha ha sounds about right. Where do you all get your clean up crews from? That website quick crews seems pretty good. I always prefer to buy from hobbyists, seems tank care is always greater than the big manufacturers, even for livestock.

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