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Problems with my lagoon


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When I brought home the lagoon from subsea I gave it a pretty good cleaning, set up the rock how I wanted plus added a large rock from my big tank. I then attached the different types of macro around the tank how I wanted. Subsea had helped me sort it out as we were taking it apart, and put it in different bags to make this easy. It wasn't a long trip at all, so I don't see too much stress there. I did switch the lighting from the light fixture he was using on the tank to a T5 HO light I had in storage. I figured this way he can use the lights that were on it to set up a new lagoon. The fixture is 72 watts total. 2 10000K bulbs, one actinic, and one 6000K. Bulbs only a couple months old. I figured this would be plenty of light on a little 10 gal. I stuck a couple frags in there and they're all doing great.

The macro almost immediately started turning clear and dissolving away. First to go was the ulva - type. That disappeared very fast. Now everything except the gracilaria is turning clear and dissolving away. The others are all caulerpa types.

Parameters: NO3 = 0, NH3 = 0, PO4 = 0, SG = 1.025, Temp = approx 77 I have had some fluctuations in salinity. This thing evaporates at an almost ridiculous rate. I'm on top of it now. Maybe the NO3 and PO4 being 0 is the problem? It was doing great with subsea and I don't think I did THAT great of a job cleaning, lol!!

That's all the details I can think of. Any ideas? Jaggedfire, if you see this, did you lose any macro after the move?

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I had a big meltdown of macro in my 135G lagoon. I feel that in my case I pushed the tank too hard with my 1000W MH. I was using a 16 hour photoperiod. More is better, I thought. Of the three Calurpa types that I had(Feather, Curprssoides, and Prolifera), only the Prolifera did not melt down. Since the meltdown, I have replaced MH with 400W of LED. Aside from a green tint to the water, I saw no damage to other inhabitants. My seaweed tank looks a little bare at this time. As best I can tell, there is still life left in the slime mess. I have reduce my photoperiod to 12 hours. To my eye, the 400W of LED is less illumination then 1000W MH at 18" above tank.

You may have too much light in your 10G lagoon.


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I see an increased inventory at Gulf Coast EcoSystem http://live-plants.com/index.htm. With increasing temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico, more macro is becoming available. I am strongly considering making an order to include some NPS gorgonians and setting up a low light 10G lagoon using only one 24W CF clip on fixture. I plan on including decorative macros in this tank, but no intense lighting. I suggest that the intense lighting is the problem in our captive tanks with these fast growing macros. The mollies are having a feast eating up this mass of plant slime.


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Guys the algae went sexual on you. Subsea is right. the intense lighting is causing the problem. My 40 gal breeder with the leds, the feather algae will go sexual if the photo period is too long. My 34 gal Red Sea with the pc lights has the same algae and as yet to go sexual. No worry just remove the dead plants before the start to decay and release the NO3 and PO4.

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Any effect on other inhabitants?

No problem at all with any other inhabitants. Fish, inverts, coral all look great.

As far as the algae going sexual, I expected to have cloudy water and an increase in nitrates. Interesting! I had already put in an order for a few more macros before all this happened. I'll try a reduced photoperiod and possibly only run 2 of the 4 bulbs. I'm surprised that it's possible to have too much light on algae.

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Any effect on other inhabitants?

No problem at all with any other inhabitants. Fish, inverts, coral all look great.

As far as the algae going sexual, I expected to have cloudy water and an increase in nitrates. Interesting! I had already put in an order for a few more macros before all this happened. I'll try a reduced photoperiod and possibly only run 2 of the 4 bulbs. I'm surprised that it's possible to have too much light on algae.

I am working on involving a seaweed scientist in this discussion. I do not think that to much light by itself will make macro go sexual. A combinatin of several things limit the growth but the light energy is calling for maximum growth. More discussion later.


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Just curious, did anyone have chaeto, and did it do the same thing? Chaeto doesn't go sexual, does it?
I don't use chaeto because not much eats it. Patrick

As things turned out, I did have some chaetomorphy in my 135G lagoon tank when two of the Calurpaes went sexual (very promiscuous of them). I had two other Calurpaes that did not go sexual. Several Red Gracilarias, Red Kelp and Dragons Breath were also unaffected by the slim down of two of the fast growing Calurpaes. Most of the corals responded in a negative way for the first day but returned to their pomp the next day.


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Thanks Teresa, that's good to know. I started only turning on 1 set of lights for a shorter photoperiod. There hasn't been any more die off, and what's left looks really good. Not sure if it's directly because of the reduced light, or if everything has settled in to the new arrangement and stabilized. It makes sense though that if there aren't enough nutrients in the water to be utilized by the plant, that having too much energy from the light, wouldn't work. Haha, I've never quite faced the trouble of having too clean of water before!

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Sorry that everyone is having problems with their lagoons. Like Patrick stated in an earlier post it's probably too much light which is causing most of the problems. As far as the feather algae is concerned whenever you see the stems turning white pull out of the tank, same is true with more than 50 percent of the leave turning white. That is not new growth. My lagoon seem to be doing fine. Click on photo for more detail. post-2202-0-71653500-1338132387_thumb.jp

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I think Kim nailed it as I have been 'trained' in reducing nutrient input hoping to control algae growth in our normal reef tanks. With these guys (tanks), I have found that I have to worry less about this and more about what grows the algae, ie light and nutrient supplement. Following the standard rules for the reef, I almost lost the beautiful plants in my control experiment (posted in another thread).

I love seeing your tank Michae52 and subsea, they are quite awesome.

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Without a doubt, these lagoon systems are best operated as a high nutriant system. In my opinion these would be perfect to house NPS inverts.


I thought NPS were corals, not inverts?

NPS are corals and they require high nutriant systems and target feeding. Filter feding inverts are equally at home in these systems. I incorrectly did not tie the two thoughts together.


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  • 2 months later...


This site is where I got by Small Blue Leg Hermits. To qualify for free shipping at $120 I included Red Tree and Orange Tree Sponges as well as a gorgeous Flower Anemonea. This inverts go well with lagoon and low light conditions. I highly recommend this site. I ordered on line Tuesday night, it shipped Wed afternoon and I received it Thursday at 10AM. In less than 24 hours after my order was processed, I received livestock from the Florida Keys.

I like it like that.


Kim, can you update on your 10G lagoon?

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Nice link!

I clicked that link and find things that I 'need' for my tank. Love the green flower anemone! The cinnamon palys. Blue ricordea.....

Needs and wants, the Great Debate. I usually get what I want. I really liked both sponges and the flower anemone is gorgeous. Not knowlegable about Ricordia, I was happy with the Blue color.


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I have an orange ric that I purchased at RCA about two months ago. It has more than doubled in size. Not doing anything special for it and it seems happy. (Now that it is glued down and the urchin and snails are not dozing it over.)

Blue is a color that is lacking in my tank, would place them near my other shrooms. Nems are my big weakness though.

I still need to bring you a chunk of rock with xenia on it, and pick up Alphonse. This week was a wild ride in the office, but next week may work.

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