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Anyone keep these? - Difficult NPS


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I have these (I think!) on a rock that I purchased a few weeks back. They look like really small zoa's with a black outer 'shell' and awesome small maroon polyps. I had some trouble getting them to come out at first. I've never seen them before and was wondering if anyone else has.

I am attaching a photo of a small frag that dropped when I added. Behind it is some GSP for size reference. Sorry for the crappy phone pic and the algae on the glass.


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I thought they were zoas as they cover the rock in a mat of tissue. They have quite tiny polyps and the surrounding tissue is black, unlike anything I've seen. They didn't come out until I blasted them with flow and stirred up all the detritus off the rocks last night with the baster.

I am not sure I will be able to do these justice if they are NPS.

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I've seen those before. They are beautiful. Do you have any small food like reef-roids or filter feeder food? Or see if they'll take cyclopeeze. Blowing off your rocks and stirring the sand near it will provide food too. Good luck with it!

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I have been adding 3mL Phytoplex and Chromoplex every 2-3 days alternating each. I may need to up this and/or target these guys. I just moved a small pump ( Koralia nano) onto the larger colony to see if I can get them to show. It is really exciting to see something new....I love this hobby!

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They are terrazoanthids. They are NPS, and can be very difficult to keep. In order to thrive, you will need to spot feed them several times a day with a zooplankton and phyto.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am to a degree. I upped the Phyto and started feeding the whole tank a bit heavier with frozen BS. This guy is sitting high and in high current. I can drop the Phyto right down on him and then on to the purple gorg under him. Doesn't sit on them long until the pump cycles on, but a few seconds seems to be enough.


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Thank you Patrick and Tim. This one was bought on sight and I should have done more research, but what is out there sometimes is limited, even with my "Google-foo" skills :-) Sometimes you have to just try!

As with most all my new stuff, I end up experimenting for around a month in the tank until I find a light, feeding and flow (l/f/f)combo it likes as they don't all respond quickly. I have tried though to layout, (even in this small tank) a l/f/f for all to benefit and not upset the balance of the system.


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