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Network stability issues

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Well no luck. changed ports and same thing. Can connect via lan but no remote access. So figured the router is messed up. However I tried a couple other things. All the PC, phones, wii, ps3 in the house connect wirelessly and have no problems at all getting access to the web. They are all in the DHCP range though. My DHCP range is So I set the ip in the apex to and plugged it in directly to the router via lan cable. I can log into the web server using my laptop and make settings changes ect but if I try to send the "test email" it fails. It also will not send txt message warning. With all the other machines having no problem getting access to the net, I think there is trully a problem with the Ac. Im going to unplug it tonight and reset it back to default settings. Then reload the config file. use DHCP in the apex, and see if it will send the test email. If it works then, I will set it back to a static ip. Should I use an ip below my DHCP or does it matter that im using one above my DHCP range? With it having connection via the lan, you would think that It should be able to access the web unless the router is blocking it. Maybe its mac filtering for some strange reason. Ive reset the router as well and still same thing. This is getting very annoying.

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It should not matter that it is out of DHCP range. Those IPs are simply addresses that the router can use to dole out addresses to. Have you reflashed the firmware? At this point, how does neptune feel about just replacing the unit? Is there any possibility of replacing the router? Perhaps they have a simpler routerless modem that you can then hook your own router up to.

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Router was replaced a week ago. The do have a standard cable modem and I can buy my own router. However, I think there is a problem in the Ac. After a factory reset, if it doesnt work, then I will buy my own router. Neptune wants to do a firm ware reflash prior to replacing the unit.

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