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Overnight Collection Trip to Corpus


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I will be traveling to Corpus next Thursday, March 1. I will attend a meeting with AgriLife Research Maraculture Lab staff from TAMU. I spoke with Regents Fellow & Professor and Director of the Lab. We have already entered into a lively discussion on "feeding the world". I do not know how long this meeting will last. Because of the uncertainty of the iteniary, I will plan on overnighting. This would allow me to fish and collect stuff early the next day and leave Corpus midday. Whoever is interested in overnighting and collecting on the coast, consider the day and come along.


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A Texas Fishing License with the salt water permit is required to collect. With respect to what is prohibited, you need to be familiar with fishing regulations.

When I had a Galvestion Bay Biotheme, I would seine in the salt water reeds and grasses in the marsh. I would use different techniques if alone or with two people. I usually bring old gym shoes that I walk in the mud grass interface. In some cases a single handle net can be used from the dry ground. Depending on terrain, this would be where ghost shrimp are abundant. I have caught these shrimp in fresh, brackish and full strength ocean salinity. In amongst the same grasses are Sailfin Green Mollies. The same thing about fresh to salt can be said about the mollies. In the Lagoon Biotheme tank that I am setting up, these Sailfin Mollies will be the only fish in this 135G tank. The Ghost Shrimp are about half the size of Pepermint Shrimp. If two people don't mind getting wet feet then a seine, I like 12', is held betwwen two people and worked into the shallows. With this method, more diversity of fish become available.

I am not that familiar with the Corpus area. Any canals which see tidal action are good candidates. I planned on talking with Maraculture Specialist about suggestions on accessiable places near Mustang Island. If someone were to come, we could load 17' canoe on top of car and have more access to more area. I am not against fishing for Red Fish or Speckled Trout. Over the years, my fishing trips have evolved into collection trips.

I will be making 4 or 5 trips before the heat of Summer. Most will not be overnite.


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With the 12' seine, I have caught boxers and puffers. My favorite bay fish was a Sea Robin. It was very similiar in shape to a Lion Fish. Underneath each pectorial fin are three legs like a Daddy Longleg Spider. It was so neat to see this fish land on the bottom and begin strolling about with his six feet.

When I lived in Baycliff on Galveston Bay, one of the neighbors got the idea that I wanted every weird thing that they caught in their shrimp trawl. She brought some kind of an ugly brown fish with glaring "red eyes" to put in my 55G bay tank. To get her to finally leave, I put the Red Eye Devil in the tank. In the morning while drinking coffee, enjoying the tank, I noticed the devil looking at me. Later that day, he went into the crab trap for bait.


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My appointment with Maraculture Research Lab specialist is Thursday at 1 PM on Mach 8. If people wanted to come Friday afternoon/night I would enjoy staying until Sat or Sunday for that matter. It depends on weather and activity of fishing and collecting. I stayed on Mustang Island some years ago, the cost seemed resonable but I don't recall. I am sure there is a wide range of accommadations in the area. I am not against camping in the outdoors, however, two nights without a hot shower is my max limit of roughing it out.


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