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SW Glue


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I use the generic super glue gel or potable water safe epoxy putty from the home improvement stores (technically it's a little cheaper to order it on line but it's one of those things I get brain farts with blink.png ) I haven't found anything that works all the time.

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I use super glue gel and 2 part epoxy. The super glue gel works great, but you need to move quickly to get it to work. I think you can take a good thirty seconds after you put it on a frag before you put the frag underwater to glue. However, once you go underwater with it, the glue skins over pretty fast, so I find it best to move very quickly once underwater to place it, or put a bunch of glue on the frag so when you put it in place it breaks the skin on the glue and puts fresh glue down.

When I really want something to stick, I put glue on the frag, then stick a glob of 2 part epoxy on the frag, then put more glue on the bottom of the epoxy and stick it into place. I rarely have frags come off when I use this method.

As far as the Ecotech glue goes, I did not like it at all. It is too thick and takes too long to dry. I had problems with the applicator becoming clogged repeatedly. The needle on the inside of the top that supposedly keeps it from clogging also broke off. You can use it underwater, but I have heard of people accidently releasing pressure and sucking water into the glue, which ruins the whole bottle. For me, with the ease of using super glue gel, I do not see a point in using the ecotech brand. But I know a lot of people love it.

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I use super glue gel and 2 part epoxy. The super glue gel works great, but you need to move quickly to get it to work. I think you can take a good thirty seconds after you put it on a frag before you put the frag underwater to glue. However, once you go underwater with it, the glue skins over pretty fast, so I find it best to move very quickly once underwater to place it, or put a bunch of glue on the frag so when you put it in place it breaks the skin on the glue and puts fresh glue down.

When I really want something to stick, I put glue on the frag, then stick a glob of 2 part epoxy on the frag, then put more glue on the bottom of the epoxy and stick it into place. I rarely have frags come off when I use this method.

As far as the Ecotech glue goes, I did not like it at all. It is too thick and takes too long to dry. I had problems with the applicator becoming clogged repeatedly. The needle on the inside of the top that supposedly keeps it from clogging also broke off. You can use it underwater, but I have heard of people accidently releasing pressure and sucking water into the glue, which ruins the whole bottle. For me, with the ease of using super glue gel, I do not see a point in using the ecotech brand. But I know a lot of people love it.

Yep I did that and sucked in a whole bunch of water and ruined an entire bottle of the Ecotech glue doh.gif The super glue gel is what I have used as well and it does seem to work pretty well. The only time I have had an issue with it is when I accidentally bump a frag and knock it off, but that's just my clutziness.

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Another thing that may help if you use the super glue gel is baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) is an accelerant and filler for super glue. It only takes a small amount and you have to be careful not to get any on the frag.

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There is no mix ratio, it only takes a small amount on the surface to set it up. I would guess the pot life to be about 5 - 10 seconds. The way I do it is have a very small amount of baking soda on a wood tongue depresser (plastic knife works also) ready to go, put super glue gel on the rock (dry the rock as much as possible) a little bit if glue on the base of the frag, stick the frag into the glue on the rock and while i'm holging the frag in place with one hand pick up the tongue depresser and spinkle the baking soda onto the super glue. you do have to be careful not baking soda on the frag, a few sprinkles won't do much damage but it will burn the coral tissue.

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Rubber bands. Or put some LR rubble in a small Tupperware dish, put the kenya tree in the tupperware, and put a net/citrus netting/wedding veil/etc. over the top and rubber-band in place so there is still water motion in the dish. In a couple days they'll attach to the rubble and you can wedge or glue it wherever you want. This method works great for xenia too!

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With leathers I have always used fishing line to hold them down until they take hold. Thread the fishing line through the eye of a needle (not as challenging as a camel) and stick the needle through the leather. I try aand do it a cm or so above the base so it doesnt rip through the leather when tieing it down.

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