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Another problem thread

Robb in Austin

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For the last few weeks my main GBTA has been acting weird. It may correlate to my Clarki's finally laying eggs, which they do right next to/under the nem, but can't quite remember.

At night it puffs up as normal, but not near like before, and when the lights come on the tentacles shrivel away to nothing. And today, the mouth is all open with the innards appearing to be exposed.

(I haven't tested in a few weeks and will post a pic later along with new test numbers.)

My RBTA and baby GBTA are behaving normally. No recent changes in anything.

Any thoughts?

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My various GBTA and RBTAs have acted similarly at different times, where they will almost 100% deflate at night rather than just retreat. As you mentioned, I did notice it a lot more on nems that had egg-laying clowns. It may be that the clowns are just battering it with the extra attention and aggressiveness they're prone to when they are defending eggs.

How large is the GBTA? Have any tank conditions changed recently? If you try to target feed very small pieces of food is the nem responsive at all?

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When it was inflated this AM it was probably 8" across. Previously, within the last 6 weeks, it would get up to about 14" across.

About the only thing that has changed I can think of is possibly cooler tank temps due to this cold spell(no heater) but I haven't checked so not sure. I haven't tried feeding it, I rarely do anyways, since it's been doing this.

It's just weird how it inflates at night and shrinks during the day.

Here's a pic:


Update with test numbers(I'll update with more later):

SG: 1.024

Temp: 77F

pH: 7.8

Alk: 6.55- the last time I checked, early Nov, it was 10. I suspect I run low alk more often then not.

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