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Lawnmower Blenny for hair algae?

C Lo Slice

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I'm about to head to Aquadome to see if they have anything for my hair algae and cyano issue. I was going to grab a Lawnmower Blenny, provided they have one, for the hair algae. But I've been reading that they actually prefer film type algae. Can anyone concur or set the record straight? Also, would one of these guys get along with my Red Scooter Blenny in my 60 gallon? I've read they shouldn't be kept with similar looking fish. Thanks for the advice, folks

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I have had two and neither did well in my 58 gallon. I would research more before getting one. From my experience they are not as good for algae as most people seem to think. If you get one you will need to cover any open propeller pumps as they love to swim into them.

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Well I ended up with a Sea Slug. Looks like Shrek if he were to slide around on his belly. They told me he'll make quick work of my issue. They were worried that I may need too many emerald crabs for my tank, as I have about 130 pounds of rock in there. So, we'll see how he does, I guess. Got him temp acclimating right now. Fingers crossed!

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. . . Water changes, GFO/GAC, new RODI filters, manual removal, and time is what it took. . .

+1 I am curious how the Sea Slugs work. I tried a couple many years ago and wasn't impressed but there could have been other reasons then. I like short spine urchins like the Royal or Tuxedo and Sally Lightfoot crabs once the GHA is under control but the urchins will move stuff around

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Slugs / nudi's are cool, but you need to prep your tank for them. The sea hare is especially susceptible to getting pureed in a power head. I've heard of really good results with them devouring all algae in a tank in a few days, and I've heard numerous stories of one getting stressed and poisoning a tank, or getting obliterated in a pump.

I'm always for natural methods of algae reduction, but the bottom line is that the excess nutrients in the tank are what's causing the problem. Adding any livestock to the tank increases the nutrient load even if it helps control the visible algae.

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. . . Water changes, GFO/GAC, new RODI filters, manual removal, and time is what it took. . .

+1 I am curious how the Sea Slugs work. I tried a couple many years ago and wasn't impressed but there could have been other reasons then. I like short spine urchins like the Royal or Tuxedo and Sally Lightfoot crabs once the GHA is under control but the urchins will move stuff around

This guy that I got is tearing through my GHA. Half of my 60 gallon tank was clear within about 18 hours of putting him in there. The other half is a bit tricky to navigate (I would think, at least, if I were him) due to some funky shaped rocks and odd aquascaping. I had a Tuxedo Urchin for about a month and I didn't realize how much he actually did for me. I would only have to Mag-Float about once a week; now it's every other day. But, like you mentioned, he was knocking over my frags, so I traded him to another member.

Slugs / nudi's are cool, but you need to prep your tank for them. The sea hare is especially susceptible to getting pureed in a power head. I've heard of really good results with them devouring all algae in a tank in a few days, and I've heard numerous stories of one getting stressed and poisoning a tank, or getting obliterated in a pump.

I'm always for natural methods of algae reduction, but the bottom line is that the excess nutrients in the tank are what's causing the problem. Adding any livestock to the tank increases the nutrient load even if it helps control the visible algae.

I don't really think my powerhead will be an issue. I really don't see any way that he could get sucked into it; it's pretty well covered.

I told the guys at Aquadome that I would prefer to go a natural route rather than dosing chemicals. I'm trying to keep things as natural as I can (I don't like dosing too much unless I'm dosing something that I can test for). I understand the nutrient issue. I've bumped up my water changes to 10% three times a week, whereas I was only doing it once a week before. I really need to give my canister filter a good cleaning. It's only been about two weeks since I last did it, but since then, I've bought some new carbon that needs to be placed in it. The next tank will definitely NOT have a canister filter.

if you get the sea slug be sure to trade it after he eats everything. I made the mistake of trying to keep it and starvation set in.

Oh yeah, definitely. That was one of the questions I made sure to ask before buying it. My wife has quickly grown fond of him. She's pretty upset that we can't keep him, but she understands why.

BTW, folks, my tank is nearly clear of GHA, so if anyone is interested in a proven method, shoot me a PM if you want this guy. I'd sure hate to see him starve on my watch.

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Well I only had a FF goby and some damsels in the tank along with sailfin and hippo so I didnt feed for 5 days and they found their way to it. Once they started munching on it, they were hooked like crack heads. Im all clear now. Cyano...thats whole different story. Boo-koo water changes, lots of flow, and some chemiclean if it doesnt subside with water changes and manual removal.

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I thought of my Tang possibly munching on it, so I stopped feeding and placing in algae sheets. After about a week and a half with only one feeding, my tang started looking pretty thin. I'm a bit worried about him now so I've been feeding everyday. The awesome thing about this slug is he's mowing down the cyano too :)

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