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Apparently... Nitrites?


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Went and got my water tested today and the only that that appeared were Nitrites. They were at <0.5... Its funny, though. I didn't have any Nitrites 2 days ago.

The ponies seem to be just fine, and are eating and breathing normally. There is nothing out of the ordinary for them, so I'm not extremely worried. Though, I want to get rid of the remaining toxins as soon as possible.

I know water changes would be good, but I also heard that doing a water change would prolong the cycle that is occurring.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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I would be surprised to see a test kit that was reliable at .5 ppm of nitrite. To start with, that is a very low level and I would guess that scientific grade equipment would be required, not a hobyist test kit. In the final analysis the inhabitants of the tank are your best guide. While I do have the test kits, I never use them, but rely on the tank to tell me what to do. I started with marine aquarium more than 30 years ago and we did not have kits to test with at that time. Amonia, nitrites and nitrates are normal in closed systems and each is removed in various ways. Amonia and nitrates are removed by bacteria in an oxidation chemical reaction. Nitrates are removed by reducing bacteria in a low oxygen enviroment. If you have a macro algae refugium, the plants take up these nutriants. When the plants are pruned the nutriants are either removed are recycled back to the fish as food.

Just let your tank cycle, it will be ok.

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Thanks for the advice, Subsea!

I imagine it will all be fine as you said, though I was just wondering what could be done to reduce any visible traces of NO2.

The test was done with an API test kit, which has a record for not being accurate. However, I've never had a problem with NO2 before so I got a little panicked.

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The ponies should be OK Brooks...they are strong, mature stock and even I have put them through many "excavating" projects and they just show up for the next meal like nothing happened. And by me moving liverock in and out, I am sure I stirred up things but good and they were okee-dokee. If you do see a change in breathing, eating or stability, let me know.

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The ponies should be OK Brooks...they are strong, mature stock and even I have put them through many "excavating" projects and they just show up for the next meal like nothing happened. And by me moving liverock in and out, I am sure I stirred up things but good and they were okee-dokee. If you do see a change in breathing, eating or stability, let me know.

I'm thinking it'll be fine, too. I always tend to worry, but I'm glad people on here know how to calm it down! LOL! And again Laura, these little guys are just so incredibly awesome!!!! I love 'em! Also, my dad named them Bonnie and Clyde... lol.

BTW...where did you get the dragons breath? Subsea is looking for some...

I picked it up from Francis. smile.gif

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Thanks Brooks....

Subsea...Brooks got it from Francis who works at River City Aquatics...you can also contact diabeetus as I got some from him a while back, but I can not keep it alive in my tank...or you can try reefcleaners as Mark suggested...

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Thanks, I'll try Francis at RCA.

Dragons Breath is not available from collectors in Florida utill May thru September. If I have to wait till May, I will order from Gulf Coast Ecosystem, who supplies reef cleaners with seaweed.


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What they said. I was trying to remember when the last time I checked any of my tanks for nitrites and I can't even remember the last time I bought a test kit for nitrites, alzheimer's I'm sure :blink:. Outside of how the animals are acting pH is the test I rely on mostly.

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Just got them tested, and they somehow tested at 5. I'm finding this very hard to believe... EVERYTHING is fine. Not one thing is out of the ordinary.

There is no ammonia, so I'm ruling out over feeding. I'm wondering if this test kit was just super inaccurate. The testing bottle was almost empty, which could also be a sign that the test kit was old.

I just did a 5g water change to help dilute the Nitrite if they are even there...

Everything else tested perfect. The NitrAtes were at 10, which is also another thing that leads me to believe the test kit was inaccurate.

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