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Well I've got a sea base anemone and Condy in my 29g bio cube and it's got stock lighting but I want to get some cooler ones and put them in my room but I need to figure out is if I should go get more t-5ho's or two MH's and try and sell my t-5 that I have now.

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One of the prettiest anemonies I've seen was about 12 years ago. It was a brown long tenticle with white strips down each tenticle that opened up to about 18" - 20" inches. The guy had it for more than a year or two in a 75 gal. with a single 2 bulb shop light with one 40W actinic and one 40W daylight. But while some anemonies might adapt to lower light levels I think you need at least 4 T5s to have good success. I think it's Aquaticlife makes a nice 4 ft fixture with 2 150W MH and T5 actinics that should fit your tank really well. Aquadome has one on one of thier tanks upstairs opposite the stairs.

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Do you know how much the light cost for the 2 150 w MH and t5 actinics?

It differs. Check out marinedepot.com, or some of our local vendors. Make sure you research what you're buying before you do so... that bit of advice could've helped me a LONG time ago!

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I had a couple nems in my 55 with 4 54w T-5. I think they would have been happier with a little more light, but they did fine. I would not go with anything less than that. 2 150w MH with a couple T-5 actenics is what I would have liked to have had.

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Hey Christian,

I have to say it. . .

Yes the lights you mentioned above will help with corals and nems. However, lighting is not the only thing that keeps a nem or corals healthy and happy. There are myriad of other variables that need to be considered.

As a steward and a conscientious reef keeper it very important to research as much as possible before making "that" purchase. I understand about impulse buying! Trust me I've been there, done that.

You have the best resource at your finger tips; "The Internet." This wonderful tool has helped me and many of us on this forum. If you want to find out the requirements of nems just Google "anemone care." I just did and I got about 392,000 results. WOW what great reference material. I would suggest you had the articles you find help as bookmarks. This way you can reference them as needed.

There is also a link to what I think is a very informative down to earth nem site in the Resources forum >> Links Directory >> Resources >> Karen's Rose Anemones. Here is the link:

Karen's Rose Anemones

Keep asking questions. It is the only way to learn but also take the time to do a little research.

Happy Reefing,


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I was trying to stay out of this but I don't think I can hold my tongue anymore.

First off, a complement. Yay you for asking questions!

Now...That last statement you made is part of the reason we were on you so hard in your starting a business/who will buy a $400 nem thread. You've got a lot of reading to do. Keep asking questions, but do research on your own too.

If lighting is confusing, poke around RC and ReefKeeping magazine and look for articles by Sanjay Joshi.

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