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brown hair algae


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Well, since we got fish, I (and the missus) have been guilty of over feeding. It's very hard not too.

Anyway, so now we're growing great quantities of prize winning brown hair algae. The new Tail-spot blenny loves it, but he's already fatter than anything and can't handle all of it.

I know I have to get a skimmer. That's next on the equipment list (sigh). Would you guys suggest replacing the HOB filter entirely with the skimmer or have both? (I do have a powerhead with a sponge filter too.)

I have a 'algae brush' which is a piece of foam with a long handle on it. It captures some of the algae, but a fair bit gets into the water column and I'm afraid it will become a nitrogen emitter in the filter.

The magfloat, just scrapes algae into the water column. Besides, the snails have laid eggs all over it and I don't want to move it right now.

I also have a phosphate removing pad that I put into the filter on rare occasions to starve off the algae, but I need some of the algae for the blenny (or will there still be enough for him?)

Any other suggestions (other than a 3day no light run)?

CuC is the tail-spot (algae eating) blenny, 3 ceriths, and 2 nassarius (which don't eat algae).


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i would use a filter and a skimmer. how big is your tank? if you have a nice size tank and plan on adding a sump then you could lose the H.O.B filter. but for now keep it. it can remove solid waste.

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Sorry, I guess that might help huh.

45 gallon pent tank

I've got a fair bit of coral for the tank (mostly softies and zoas, but a few LPS as well).

160 LED

2 clownfish (percs)

2 yellow clown gobies

and the aforementioned blenny.

That's about it.

I only have room for either a Remora skimmer or the HOB. If i had a skimmer that doesn't have a wide splash lip (i.e. tubing for intake and outflow), then I might be able to fit a skimmer as well.

I won't be adding a sump. I just don't have the room.

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the afore mentioned Missus here,

Hmmmm... *What sort of blenny? how big is he?

We have been planning our tank with passive & small "nano" fish.

I think what we are trying to do just now is avoid overloading our bio load before we find a compatible skimmer for our 44g pent tank and fitted lid and other equip like heater & Coralia, etc.



But we'll pass on the cucumber....after our last adventure with one.

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I really like urchins and don't see a problem with a couple of Tuxedo or Atlantic Green or similar type urchin. A couple of things that might help when you do water changes is one: use a tube form an ink pen to make a nozzle for your syphon hose. This actually amplifies the suction and slows the flow giving you more time to work with it. Keep your free hand on the hose ready to kink it when you get close to your corals or animals as it will damage stuff a lot quicker than the usual tubing. (The cat fur tangled in the rubberbands is CRITICAL for proper operation.)

Second; rocks that are easily removable can be scrubbed off in a bucket of saltwater with a toothbrush (use your husbands) or small dishwashing brush. 'Shrooms, zoos, palys and leathers/soft corals uasully can take a surprising amount of abuse but still be carefull. Unless you're pretty comfortable trying this on stoneys I wouldn't do it. Some of mine I wouldn't hesitate some I wouldn't touch. And sometimes a rock should just be tossed.

None of this gets rid of the underlying problem and you may need to be real aggressive on your water changes for a while but you can remove a lot of algae quickly (positive nutrient export if you want a fancy term) and your tank will look nicer

I know a lot of people would advise against adding more corals (I'm using this term very generically) at this point but I'm of the opinion getting more corals growing will compete with the algae much like lilies compete with algae in ponds so I wouldn't use this problem to keep me from adding some of hardier corals you have on your list to add.


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So i take you actually vacuum the algae out of your tank (s) then. Under the supervision and assistance of a furry kitty.

Ours have been calculating just how they can assist us with the tank and all its 5 fish.

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