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6-line wrasse for sale


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I would love to have him. Do you think he could exist in a 10g system with a clown and a yellow tail damsel for about 4 weeks? If so, I can be by in about an hour or so.

they are wicked on jumping you will need a cover

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I would love to have him. Do you think he could exist in a 10g system with a clown and a yellow tail damsel for about 4 weeks? If so, I can be by in about an hour or so.

he probably could, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Whatever you do, get rid of that damsel before you move everything to your new tank!

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No reason to make his life hard than it has to be. Shane can make him a good home until someone else can grab him... Who knows, maybe even me in a few weeks.

I actually have grown quite attached to this damsel. He's been with me now for over 2 years. Through some rough spots! He flopped out of the tank into the tray of the BioCube over flow for who knows how long, ended up getting stung by something at another point and is still here to tell about it.

Any reason for giving him the heave-ho?

The damnedest thing is that He and the clown appear to have pair up. They sleep together in a zoo colony. Freaking odd couple of the sea.



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Any reason for giving him the heave-ho?

Yeah, they can get mean. I had a yellow tang once whose fins had been eaten off by a yellow damsel. And when they get mean, and you want them out of your tank, you'll never catch them. They are fast and pretty smart little boogers.

It sounds like you have an interesting pairing with your clownfish, but if you ever wanted a more docile fish like a mandarin or a firefish, they could be prime targets for the damsel to pick on.

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It is one of reefing's greatest tragedies BUT I can remedy the situation by dropping my six-line off in Mark's tank during the meeting!

if you did that, you wouldn't walk out of the meeting alive. Mama will be on the lookout.

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