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It's Started.. 135 build


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Today marks my very first day in the reef tank world... I have started to cure some live rock that will begin my 135 gallon tank.. I have a lot to still prepare for, but it should all go pretty smoothly... should..

so.. I got this tub from work and bought some salt and a hydrometer from RCA and mixed up some saltiness.. hehe I have a pump in there to keep the water circulating and a temp sensor to keep an eye on water temp.. nothing fancy.. The photos are crappy, but that's what I get for being lazy and just using my phone.



so.. if anyone has any live rock they want to get rid of.. let me know :)

I'm also looking for a DI system and maybe a return pump...

pretty soon I'll be tearing down the 135 cleaning the sand, drilling the tank, building the sump... you know.. all the fun stuff.

I'm always up for suggestions and I'm a HUGE DIY person..

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Go with a refractometer, no sense in risking one of the most important parameters on a system that big on a hydrometer - at least not when you start adding livestock. I'd also consider more frequent water changes in the curing bucket to promote less die off and a faster cure - it is a bit more work, but I think the extra diversity you get makes it worth it. Since you still have it in a bucket your water changes would be smaller. The old fashioned 1 month cure and then add to the tank and cycle is fine, but I like speeed.

Also good thought on the RO system, I'd get that hooked up sooner rather than later so you can make your first tank fill with RO water. It will save you algae headaches in the long run and especially on a tank that large is totally worth it. Otherwise have fun! Setting up a new tank is always fun.

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Go with a refractometer, no sense in risking one of the most important parameters on a system that big on a hydrometer - at least not when you start adding livestock. I'd also consider more frequent water changes in the curing bucket to promote less die off and a faster cure - it is a bit more work, but I think the extra diversity you get makes it worth it. Since you still have it in a bucket your water changes would be smaller. The old fashioned 1 month cure and then add to the tank and cycle is fine, but I like speeed.

Also good thought on the RO system, I'd get that hooked up sooner rather than later so you can make your first tank fill with RO water. It will save you algae headaches in the long run and especially on a tank that large is totally worth it. Otherwise have fun! Setting up a new tank is always fun.

I need a refractometer as well.. forgot to add that to my list, but I'm nooo where near adding livestock. I figure the rock will take a month or so to cure, I'm not in a huge hurry since I have so much to prepare... and I have a crap load of other projects since summer is around the corner... Like building the shed we just bought, building a garden to plant all the herbs and veggies I just bought.. photo shoots two weekends in a row.. not to mention the everyday things around the house.. :)

I'm with you on the RO system, and I have one already.. just need the DI to go with it. We are also looking at getting a water softener. Good Times!

Ohh.. and we just found out my wife is Pregnant! YAY!!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So yesterday I picked up about 150lbs of rock for a $100... I love CraigsList!.. so I'm through buying LR..It is all curing in a huge rubbermaid container. I think. Now I need to get my RO system hooked up along with a DI system, (that I don't have) and get the bigger ball rolling.

Stuff to buy and do...

buy a return pump

Buy a DI system

build an auto top off tank

Take Ciclids to RCA for credit

empty tank and drill holes

build sump system in the garage

set up plumbing through the wall from tank to garage

put lighting in the hood (buy lights)

at this rate Ill be done by Christmas... I have to get this done before the baby gets here or I'll never finish.. HELP!!!! :)

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ok... So I have decided not to drill the tank. I went to RCA today and purchased a Mag12 and an over flow to accommodate. I took the cichlids and said my final good byes as well.

Photos on the process.... yay!






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hey Jake IMO I think your gonna need more light. If your plans are to have SPS the will probly stay alive with that lighting but for growth (just in my opinion) your gonna need MORE light. The way you have the canopy built is great, theres room for MORE light. If the tank is 6' IMO, id add 3 250w MHs. If 4' then 2. Good job on everything.

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I'll be surprised if you don't regret not drilling it now.

Maybe overflows are vastly improved from what they once were... Regardless, I wouldn't set up a reef tank with one.

Just drill it.

too late.. already full of water. The one I'm getting is rated for like 1500GPH flow. I had an overflow on it before and had no issues with flooding. The one I'm getting has a safeguard and doesn't need a lift pump. Basically if the power goes out it stays full of water so not to have to re-siphon it to get it going again.

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I have the rock in the tank... somewhat aquascaped to how I may leave it.. and now it is full of water. I have 3 pumps circulating water in the tank until I get my return pump and overflow from RCA. The lighting is done except that one of my ballasts is bad.. buying a new one of those. I am going to put a couple of 5" PC fans in the canopy to help with cooling since I do not have a chiller... if need be. I have the salinity at about 0.023. I have been testing the water for Ammonia, Nitrates, and Nitrites. Anything else I should be testing for? Now I get to play the waiting game.. At what point could I throw some crabs in there? At what point do I run the skimmer on my sump? Any other tips/suggestions? Thanks....

Photos to come....

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So I have been testing my water every night.. Last night I tested it.. then retested it because I thought I may have done something wrong. Looks like my levels are all zeroed out.. if I were fresh water I would begin to add fish.. should I throw some cleanup crew in there? Is there anything else I should test?

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Since you had the rock curing in a remote tub, I could agree that your levels would be near zero, but I don't think that process was long enough especially considering that you just bought some rock on the 5th.

Take a sample of water to RCA and have them check it, just to make sure. If in fact they are truly 0 detectable NH3 and NO2, then you can pick up some CUC while you are there. I would NOT add a fish that you do not have in your long-term keep list (ie a yellow tail damsel). I would also (in my own hindsight) stick with snails, and nix the crabs.

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ahh.. yes, I do mean 1.023. :)

The LR I bought on the 5th had just came out of a tank (was still wet).. It was cured already.

+1 on the crabs.. I added 20+ crabs, but I held off on the snails as per Jakes (RCA) advice. I'll let them roam the tank for a couple of weeks before I do anything else.

I picked up my Mag12 and overflow today and hooked everything up. The wife says that it is too loud and that it sounds like a giant fountain.. She's right.. the overflow is what is loud.. the water draining back into the sump. I'll have to figure out a way to make it quieter.

On another note.. Updated photos :D




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  • 2 weeks later...

so, I figured I would give an update on the tank. The tank has been running well with just the crabs. There is now some color on the rock and I had the water tested at RCA and it looks perfect. I'm going to add some snails this week sometime.



Here is a of my sump setup. I have a 20 gallon tank separated and one side goes to my sump and the other side is for fresh water to top off the system. I have a float switch in the sump that will turn on a very small pump in the fresh water reservoir and pump it into the sump. I also have a closed off valve from the overflow that will eventually go to a refugium.



.. and some photos of a couple of crabs. :)



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