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Help Troubleshooting a Koralia Powerhead?


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I noticed my Koralia 4 was running slow so I took it apart and cleaned it out. Now it won't turn on at all! No noise at all. I'm wondering if I dropped a part down the sink, or put it back together wrong. After I took the cover off, there was the impeller and a long rod that fit into a hole on the inside. Am I missing something? Any tips? Thanks in advance! :D

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I have found that most of the time when I have problems with mine calcium has built up on the impeller shaft. The impeller should slide freely on it if it doesn't you need to force it out and clean it. Vinegar works best but I have had to use and abrasive pad or even sand paper before. After cleaning they are good for several more months.

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I have a similar problem with a nano. Take it out take it apart then back together. Fill a sink or bucket and run the powerhead. You may have to tap it to get it to work. If it doesn't work then it may be bad. How old is it?

+1 to knocking it around a bit. That normally helps my picky koralias.

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Well, I bought it used about 6 months ago so I'm not sure how old it is. However, it was working before I cleaned it. Nothing seems crudded up, but I will soak it in vinegar just in case. I'll try knocking it around a bit - don't know why I haven't tried that already... that's usually my first solution when something isn't working! lol

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I have found that most of the time when I have problems with mine calcium has built up on the impeller shaft. The impeller should slide freely on it if it doesn't you need to force it out and clean it. Vinegar works best but I have had to use and abrasive pad or even sand paper before. After cleaning they are good for several more months.

Good info. I'll try this first before pitching it!

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+1 one on propeller shaft being miss aligned at one end (usually the tip). One time, I took my K4 apart, then put it back together and it stopped spinning. The problem was the tip of the propeller shaft didn't fit into that socket on the cap.

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Well, I have tried soaking the K4 in vinegar, got it squeaky clean, gave it some bangs, took it apart and put it back together a few times(everything seems to be moving fine), even tried resetting the outlet. Still no success! Any other suggestions, or has this thing died on the table?

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