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Everything posted by KaceyJ

  1. KaceyJ


    From the album: 125gl

  2. 2 pj cardinals + bar goby $25, would be willing to trade them for a lawnmower or starry blenny
  3. I will attempt to get one of it when i get off work. it is a welded iron frame, with 2 panels (one covers the left and front left and one covers the right and front right). It is 4 feet tall.
  4. will also add a 55gl aquarium that was going to be used as the sump
  5. then i relinquish my claim on your eagle eyes
  6. Oh, I am not quitting the hobby still have 2 other tanks, and 2 more in the works I just need to get my car on the road before they try to tow it off rock and sand $300 aquarium stand sump $300 light $400
  7. I am looking at selling our 125 gl aquarium. It is on a welded frame which is 4' tall and has removable panels. 40-45gl sump outer orbit 2 with 3 x 150wt MH and 4 x 96w actinic(needs 1 actinic), 10xwide angle blue moonlight leds) about 100+lbs of LR and 100+lbs of sand 2x 1300gph power heads 3 damsels 1 bar goby 2 pj cardinals whole thing:$700 (pay today 05/09/09 and get it for $650) will consider parting it out, but can only sell the vitals after the livestock is gone only the listed items are for sale.
  8. is this the one the sanfords were supposed to get?
  9. KaceyJ


    From the album: 125gl

  10. KaceyJ


    From the album: 125gl

  11. KaceyJ


    From the album: 125gl

  12. KaceyJ


    From the album: 125gl

  13. KaceyJ


    From the album: 125gl

  14. i would be interested in trading you something for that mag pump, but i can not trade off my canister filter just yet, it is on my hospital tank with my puffer
  15. Is this free or trade? i call dibs
  16. Algae algae, some LR chunks, xenia, kenya, fireworms, Gsp, horseshoe crab, and hopefully 2 damsels and a SATAN damsel.
  17. KaceyJ


    I have received acans in the mail that were tiny when they arrived, but within a few days started swelling to normal size.
  18. JBJ ATO has been working great for me.
  19. Neato, now if I can only find someone to drill the 8 holes i need in my 3.5gl and need a stand/hood built for it That clown will be nice and tan.
  20. That is hard to tell, He will not stretch out for me, at the least 2 feet
  21. Thank you, he is glorious in person. I will post more pics soon.
  22. I would be interested in working out a trade/and or some cash.
  23. Sounds helpful, I will have to search for it.
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