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Everything posted by KaceyJ

  1. Green skirt zoas, blastos, favia, kenya electric blue mushrooms, few others, palys, kenya
  2. Not to my knowledge. I would house the separately if i ended up with 2. If one is male and one is female, I would expect them to do fine. But I would treat them like I do my tarantulas. House them separate, and then introduce them. if they fight separate again, if they court, wait till they are done, then separate lol. I would never let them LIVE together.
  3. as long as it is not cruel to the mantis he can hurt any human he wants, but do not hurt the mantis lol. I am going to keep mine. If you want to get rid of yours, and no one will take him, I can trade you some frags.
  4. Hehehehe, I tried this. If no one will take it, we can see if ours will mate
  5. KaceyJ

    Mushroom 4/06

    From the album: misc

    © kacey jennings

  6. I just got a nice 50gl sump, but I failed to notice that i will have almost no room to get my hands into it once it is installed. I would like to trade for a smaller one. this is about 48"L x 13"D x 18" H will trade or sell for $50 will take other trade offers for most things, but i need a sump or aquarium to turn into sump. will consider things like overflows, pumps, power heads, plumbing, skimmers, lights equipment for nanos, coral, shrimps/crabs.
  7. KaceyJ

    50 sump

    From the album: misc

  8. Wow, where did that rock come from? I am not sure if i want to know so i can have one, or avoid it lol
  9. KaceyJ

    20'' 150W Sunpod

    I have a seaclone i could trade
  10. i can trade a red 3 mouthed Lobos some various other things like green skirt zoas and such
  11. i love cloves, but alas, you got all of my Zoas lol
  12. KaceyJ


    Lowes will do it. call ahead to ensure thye have that size. I use them when I make sumps.
  13. Yes, I installed 10 wide angle blue moonight leds into my outer orbit 2. It had 8 white leds. If you do not know how to solder and wire in the correct resistors, you can find some good led kits online, and if you need direction, let me know.
  14. KaceyJ

    Zoa Trades

    I will take some pics tonight. Batteries died and i can not find the adapter for my battery charger.
  15. I tested everything. he ate a frozen krill and a ghost shrimp, so I was really excited. I figured having him eat frozen was a huge step. I did not noice any injuries or fin tears.
  16. KaceyJ

    Zoa Trades

    I have some with green skirts, white centers surrounded by a light yellow/orange
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