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Posts posted by Brooks

  1. Hi everyone.

    We're currently studying poetry in my English class, and today, we had an assignment to write a poem about death. I could only think of one that related to me and my family, so I wrote it down. I'd like to keep from going into detail about the situation, but I thought this was pretty good and wanted to share it.


    Her silent reverie cast a shadow on the town,

    She looked for smiles, but saw only frowns,

    Eleven hours old, not even a chance to live,

    Something that nobody could ever forgive.

    How could this happen to a woman so sweet?

    Once feeling joy, now feeling defeat.

    Hopeful parents of three little girls,

    Just had a death that shattered their worlds.

    Sitting in a hospital bed, silent in her grief,

    A heart filled with sorrow, sadness, disbelief.

    The end of despair being nowhere near;

    A mother's sadness, anger, and fear.

    Minutes feel like hours, days feel like years.

    Nothing was able to dry her tears.

    When sadness will end, she will never know,

    Because she could never let her little Hope go.

  2. There is a lot of controversy that goes on when it comes to tangs. Powder Blue tangs get pretty big, and most would argue that you shouldn't put it in anything below a 120 if you plan to keep it long-term. However, there are some that will say you can keep them in a smaller tank when they are tiny, and then just move them out when they're bigger.

    A 6ft tank sounds like a pretty nice sized tank, and I don't think you'd have to worry about him running out of room. :)

  3. 76-81 seems to be the most ideal temperature. Stability is key here, though. Try and adjust your heaters/thermostat in your house to keep your tank at a steady temperature, or as close as you can to steady.

  4. There are a TON varieties of Watermelon chalices, some rare, some not. If it has a name in front of it like Tyree, Pnoy, Fragfarmer, Meng, then it is usually really sought after by collectors.

    As far as lineage goes, I'd say that only comes in to play when you have one of the "Limited Edition" chalices, or you're just really interested to know where the piece came from.

    Seems like a good deal. If that company has a good reputation, I'd go for it. :)

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