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Everything posted by Brooks

  1. Shoot me a text when you can... your inbox is full.

  2. My Bangaii's are carrying eggs! WHOOP!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Timfish


      Congradulations! If you try catching the male you have to be VERY careful or he will abandon the eggs/babies, DO NOT NET him, gently herd him into a container

    3. Brooks


      Anytime, Chad! Just text me and let me know when y'all are free. :)

      Tim, thank you for the advice! I was told to do it after lights out, too. Around day 19 of holding. I am very excited!

    4. FarmerTy


      Dibs on the first bangaii babies!

  3. BUMP. $350 if you want it all and you want it all soon. The skimmer alone was probably $300 and its like-new.
  4. Will extend the offer 'til tomorrow on $300 for tank/stand/sump
  5. If someone wants it today, and just wants the tank/stand/sump, its yours for $300 OBO That means NO SKIMMER, NO LIVE ROCK, NO PUMP. OBO means you can make me an offer people.
  6. All buyers ended up falling thru, and I got busy with work. Now I've got it and just cleaned it and its ready to go.
  7. Please clear your inbox :) can't send you a PM!

  8. Hi all, Have 3 female dwarves for sale. Experience is required for you to take these from me. They require live feedings of newly hatched Baby Brine daily. Or 2 day old enriched. Occasionally they can eat Cyclopes or very finely minced frozen mysis. Tank size is ideal at 2.5g for small herds (3-5) with lots of water changes and good (not strong) filtration, as they don't like to be blown all around. EXPERIENCE WITH SEAHORSES IS REQUIRED. Once again, they are FREE. You can pick them up from me at my apartment downtown (2nd and Colorado).
  9. Might be moving to Ft. Lauderdale!

    1. esacjack


      didnt you just start a new tank?!

    2. Brooks


      Yep. Boyfriend might be transferred to a new position in Ft. Lauderdale.

    3. esacjack


      hey, at least shipping for live rock will be cheaper.. :)

  10. I HATE FedEx... "Mechanical Error" really equates to "We weren't doing our jobs and missed the flight out. Whoops."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brooks


      They have my pair of Snow Onyx Clowns STUCK in a facility in Memphis, TN. They said it cannot get here until tomorrow. What the hell?! Due to a "mechanical error."

    3. (Bio)³
    4. (Bio)³
  11. Have someone interested already coming out to see it... will let ya know if it falls thru.
  12. Guess whos back... ;)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. o0zarkawater


      RCA Has lots of Pico Door Prizes tomorrow.

    3. mcallahan
    4. Brooks


      Now now, ladies. It ain't a Pico, but its a nano!

  13. Guess whos back... ;)

  14. Sick of the sound of the water, LOL. Okay, if this is sold TODAY or TOMORROW, I will let it go for $550. Must be PayPal'd $225 deposit.
  15. Haven't been on in a whule. Things have been very crazy with life. I still have the tank. Price reduced to $600 still. Come get it ASAP.
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