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Everything posted by Brooks

  1. Water was prefect today when I got it tested. Added a PAR38 bulb. Looks GREAT!
  2. Picked it up at RCA. And yeah, I was thinking about doing that to the back. Not sure what I'd use.
  3. Yeah, it is a rimless acrylic (thank god) and it has a very nice look to it. It has curved edges in the front, which look cool, and it is made by AQUAH2O. Here is a picture: Since I am going to have Seahorses in this tank, the best method for smaller tanks is said to be the sponge (HOB) filter. I'm putting a mesh over the intake so nothing can get sucked up in there.
  4. Well everyone, I bought a 14g tank today. So much for -10g! It isn't an all-in-one, but I can manage seeing some of the equipment. It looks clean, and thats all that matters! It is up and cycling (hopefully), so we'll see where it is in a few days. The one thing that I'm still looking for is a suitable light. I'm not wanting to buy expensive LED's, but at the moment that seems to be the best option. The PAR38 bulbs seem nice, but I've not seen very good reviews for them. Any suggestions?!
  5. Thanks, But keep in mind that you will have to feed that often, an feeding them is one of the major issues with this species. Aquadome has one of these in one of their tanks (at least 4 months now) that is eating frozen cyclopzes Yeah. It is going to be a demanding species to care for, but with this tank, I have my Mom home when I'm not to feed! Ah, it is nice when your parents take interest in your hobbies. No matter how expensive...
  6. Will is right. I've been reading about the Pipefish all day, and the main reason as to why they need larger tanks, is because they decimate pod populations in smaller ones. However, if you can do 2-3 feeding daily, you're set. ^ That is what I've gathered from my reading today.
  7. <br /><br /><br />Cant find any info on these. Got a link?
  8. Awesome! Thanks for the info. I've found an awesome tank that is about 15 gallons total volume (13 in the display) that I think would be perfect for them. I'm going to continue to research about the tank size just to be sure. Thanks again!
  9. Hi all! If I'm going to start up a new tank, I was really wanting to put Pipefish in it, but I was wondering what the MINIMUM tank size would be for them?
  10. Hatching Baby Brines O_O? Or hatching baby seahorses?! :D
  11. Not a fan of the look of them.
  12. http://www.picoaquariums.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=169&category_id=45&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1 There we go. Looks perfect! Just enough room for some beautiful Acans, Chalices, Pipefish, and a rock! Going to go with maybe a PAR38 for the lighting? Small, and easy to do.
  13. Also... can someone recommend some lighting? What would be best over something like this?: http://www.picoaquariums.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=172&category_id=45&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1
  14. Sweet! Thanks for the links. Will mentioned the ADA tanks, but I couldn't find them so I didn't bother to keep looking! I'm going to be looking at -10 gallons for now. This is going to be on my desk, and 12 might be fine for that as far as weight goes, but I don't have too much room for that. Which is why I was looking at the 6. For the Edge, I'm wondering just how hard replacing the lighting is going to be. I'm not even sure what I would need... a LED of some sort? I don't know what else would be small enough to fit in the space provided. Yeah the still have 'em at Pet-Co for $99. You reminded me that I saw them there about a week ago! there have been people who replace the stock halogen with led's but the main issue is the fact that the light housing only covers a small portion of the tank, so you get really bad dark spots in the corners and in the front. they are also a real pain to clean. here are some places to get great nano tanks http://greenleafaqua...-aquariums.html http://www.picoaquariums.com/ REALLY like those PicO's. http://www.picoaquariums.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=172&category_id=45&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1 That one especially.
  15. Sweet! Thanks for the links. Will mentioned the ADA tanks, but I couldn't find them so I didn't bother to keep looking! I'm going to be looking at -10 gallons for now. This is going to be on my desk, and 12 might be fine for that as far as weight goes, but I don't have too much room for that. Which is why I was looking at the 6. For the Edge, I'm wondering just how hard replacing the lighting is going to be. I'm not even sure what I would need... a LED of some sort? I don't know what else would be small enough to fit in the space provided. Yeah the still have 'em at Pet-Co for $99. You reminded me that I saw them there about a week ago!
  16. I saw the cleaning issue too. I don't think it'll be too big of a problem. I can't find very many of these anywhere. They must be new-ish or something? Also, would I even need a skimmer for 6g?
  17. Hey ARC! I'm itching to start another tank, but instead of just small this time, I'm going REALLY small... -10 gallons. I really like a clean look for my tanks, and don't like being able to see equipment in the display, so I was thinking about going with this Hagen Fluval Edge 6 Gallon tank. I'm betting I could transform it into a salt water tank. Would I even need a skimmer for this size tank? I would change the lighting to a bluer spectrum, and would only be doing Pipefish and Seahorses (dwarves). And for corals most likely just chalices and acans. Here is a link to the tank: http://www.marinedep...-FWAQCK-vi.html If anyone has a good idea for a tank for me please don't hesitate to tell me!! -Brooks-
  18. Withdrawals from a tank are setting in!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brooks


      Probably something acrylic without a rim. Going to start looking... I knew I couldn't stay out that long.

    3. Will


      yea, just get something small to ease the withdrawls. i believe most dorms will allow tanks that are less than 10 gallons as well

    4. Will


      ohh i forgot, you might want to get an ada rimless tank they are super cool

  19. Hi all. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brooks


      @C&B, Thanks! Happy New Year to y'all too! I'm glad everything is doing well. :)

      @Robb - MEH

      @Mark, He's poisonous, remember that. >:)

    3. mcallahan


      yeah! I had to root around in my sump last night and I kept an eye on mr. Lion the whole time

    4. Brooks


      Keep his name going. In the ole' chat room we referred to him as LLLIIIOOOOONNNNNN.

  20. Everything is gone! Being tankless feels strange, but at the same time, refreshing.

    1. Robb in Austin
    2. mcallahan


      yeah, BOO! Go home boy! GO HOME! :-D

  21. Hah! Good to know, Ed! Glad they're happy and you are too!
  22. Taking them to the LFS if they don't sell by this Sunday (when the tank goes down).
  23. Brooks


    Skimmer is a Solana stock skimmer. And no, this is just the tank and stand with the pumps and skimmer. No light.
  24. Brooks


    Currently pending. Haven't been able to get in touch with the buyer recently, though.
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