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Everything posted by chrisfowler99

  1. maybe I need another 40 hermits or so... I think my original problem stemmed from contaminated RO/DI water. I've solved that issue and my water is coming in clean, but I am unable to win the war that was started long ago. I think flow is my current issue. I seem to have some dead spots. Another Vortech is on the way...overkill for a 75g, but I'll be upgrading in the coming months. With two Vortechs, though, flow should no longer be an issue.
  2. I used the red slime remover with some success a few months ago...I'm about to try again after my next water change. But TLC might be the longer term solution.
  3. Gotta pick some of this up...I'm fighting a losing battle with red slime...
  4. Cleanest my sandbed looked was when I had a Diamond Goby. The problem was it didn't want the sand where I did...but it was clean.
  5. outside of cyano mine's not half bad. I've been siphoning out a lot lately because of that, though...
  6. Gotta try to pull one this weekend...should be an adventure. LOL
  7. I'd recommend wearing knee-braces and floaties, just in case.
  8. Must be the camera adding in all of those bright colors...
  9. looks like you got enough to fill the order.
  10. 5' is all the room I have. Plus my light rig is a custom built (by me) setup that's at 48" right now. I might have to rerig it to 5', but that's just more aluminum angle bars and pop rivets.
  11. I'd love to. You want to sell me yours. I haven't been able to find any except one on ebay and they have the price jacked up as high as the apex. Sooo tempting...LOL
  12. I have an Aquacontroller III and I love the thing. I'm still considering an upgrade to the Apex so I can add on the Vortec module, but I'll probably end up timing that with my summer system upgrade. I'm probably going to actually end up with the Apex Lite...I can't find a reason to want the full blown Apex at this point. I don't have Tunze powerheads or use dimmable lighting... As far as wireless, a wireless bridge should work fine. I don't think it has wireless networking built into either module. I have a DC4 HD and a DC8...and I'm running out of outlets. My lights use three outlets on the DC4HD and I believe I'm using 7-8 outlets on the DC8. So you'll probably want to consider a second EB8 (Apex version of the DB8) module.
  13. Good point. At 5', I think I'm still ok in the rimless area with 1/2" glass...at least that's what the calculators seem to say. Glass cages, however, only builds a 5x2x2 tank (non-custom order) with what appears to be eurobracing on the front and sides and a cross-brace. They don't list a 5x2x2 rimless. I'm definitely going to have to visit some knowledgeable people at the end of this month.
  14. Good prices. I'm loaded up right now, but I'll definitely be in on a later order. I'm loving the stuff.
  15. Eurobracing... Seems like it would make maintenance a pain in the ***... You'd have to reach around it anytime you're in the tank, cleaning salt, etc... Is it done for no other reason than allowing thinner glass with no trim? Long run is it better to go thicker glass and rimless?
  16. Not sure if ti's just me, but it appears the mobile interface is broken on the iPhone. I'm getting: I was coming here on the iPhone so I could click on the link to find the right app in the App Store...
  17. That's kind of what I gathered. That you get a solid aquarium, but seals are ugly. I will be doing a hood, so the top won't be a big deal. But the front left corner will definitely be visible for me and I'd like it to be "decent".
  18. I priced Glass Cages, but I'm not thrilled with the idea of having to clean up the silicone. I figure at some point I'll visit Kingfish and ask them about AGE. I haven't heard of Elos. I figure I'll have to get **** lucky to find exactly what I want already built.
  19. Our anniversary is in about a week and a half, and Father's Day is a few weeks after that. Today I said, "Unless you have something specific you want to get me I'd rather have forgiveness for what I spend to upgrade my tank." And she didn't bat an eye... Thinking about upgrading from my 75g to a 5x2x2 150g...ish... I just might be picky enough to have to custom order. Dream setup at the moment would be: No center brace (might settle for a really small one) Front and left side Starfire (right side isn't in a very viewable space, but I figure most will come with that side starfire too) External Calfo overflow (to maximize tank space and flow) What else should be on my list? Of course, this will mean building a new stand...and having to build/buy a new sump. Debating the idea of starting over with dead rock so I can aquascape exactly as I'd like. Currently in dream/planning stages. After some vacations this summer these will become more concrete. Of course, I'll also be keeping my eyes open for someone selling something that's close or adaptable to what I'm looking for.
  20. I didn't realize PM was a local company.
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