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Everything posted by chrisfowler99

  1. :lol: I read the subject and thought "wtf? Is he gonna frag fish?" Yup. :lol:
  2. First, I don't think your temp range is a problem...yet. One thing I do is to make sure the house temp doesn't get too warm. Adding some fans to your canopy definitely can't hurt. I'll be curious myself to see what people recommend for that.
  3. Yikes! I have eczema that comes and goes on both hands, which means that an open wound of some sort is somewhat likely... That is why I wear gloves (almost) every time I put my hand in the tank. If I do put them in without gloves I wash them very quick afterwards.
  4. Saw a picture of that yesterday, but no name. "White Lightning" I like it.
  5. I never have to mess with mine. Especially now that I plumbed it into the garage with a larger container that's trivial to refill.
  6. Based on the interest on this one (small) forum, I'm guessing that these are going to be hard to come by for a while.
  7. I'd love one...price dependent, of course.
  8. congrats!! When I first got my clowns I got a GBTA as well. One of the clowns hosted in a matter of days...and loved it to death. It was too small. The other clown never hosted, preferring to hang around my red cap monti. When the GBTA died the clown that was hosting wandered around a while and then settled on the frogspawn. Every once in a while it ventures out and rubs up against one of the two torches I have. The other swims around most of the time now. I think it's mad that the red cap monti has grown and doesn't offer the same hiding place anymore. In two days they have yet to notice the RBTA... Stupid clowns.
  9. Please don't get your house blowed up before I get my frags!!
  10. http://thefilterguys...eef_sleeves.htm similar, but cheaper: http://www.enasco.com/product/C06271N
  11. It's really hard to tell in those pictures. Are they flat on the rocks or do they stick out? My current guess is feather duster worms, but if they're flat on the rock (or moving) it's not that.
  12. something sounds fishy (pardon the pun) about that deal. I can't quite put my finger on it, though...
  13. Feeling crappy today so I didn't have a chance to run out and get silversides, but it did take a piece of krill.
  14. If a thread falls down, or off the page, people will "bump" it to the top. Also called TTT, "to the top"
  15. I may need to pick up some silversides tomorrow. I've got some krill, but I'll start off with what it was being fed.
  16. Mine's wiggling it's way into hiding at the moment...still visible and puffed up a bit.
  17. Eckreef took some pictures of the tanks up there. Freaking amazing number of RBTAs in two tanks.
  18. Mine's attached and bubbling a bit. Wonder where it's going to end up moving to. LOL
  19. Same here. The color is amazing under actinics (turned the MH off to get it adjust to the lighting)
  20. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/11068-pfo-metal-halide-150w-10k-pendant/page__pid__73519__st__0entry73519
  21. $250 for the whole thing, so $62.50/person if we get four. $83.33/person if we only get three. And hopefully one of the buyers is confident enough to frag it.
  22. medi and I were talking last week about getting four people together to buy and frag the rainbow acan. I'm still in if we can get 3-4 people.
  23. If you don't already, try adding a bit of garlic (I use Garlic X-treme) to their food.
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