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Everything posted by polarbear

  1. +1 on what Zarathustra2 said. i had one in my 14 gallon biocube and it worked well.
  2. Your very welcome. And a correction to my post, I meant to say move not movie.
  3. thanks rob. I'll let you know after I move if I would like to use your connection.
  4. the palu is looking great Dena. You have some nice stuff. Its worth the wait. Ill get with you after the movie for some more like we talked about.
  5. Thanks for the input. I'm going to have to look into it.
  6. So today I put in an application for a house in new braunfels. the thing is, its a house that was built in 1951 with wooden floors. What i need the advise on is, will the floor hold up a 120 gallon tank filled with water? im not sure if i can go under the house to check the structure or reinforce it. how would i check to see if its stable and would support the tank? does anyone on here live in an older home with a large tank?
  7. polarbear

    Live Rock

    if only you where selling this 2 or 3 months from now. i need rock for my new tank when i set it up. Do you have pictures of the pieces? i might get some for my 29 gallon. i plan on redoing the rock work in it when i move.
  8. polarbear


    even the long skinny one at the bottom? Does this one have a ballast on it?
  9. polarbear


    do you know if any of these are T5's?
  10. Im trying to find one of these to go on my 120 gallon tank. I was told that 2 48" T5 lights would be good enough for the actinic lighting. I need everything to get it running (end caps, ballast, wiring, etc). Please let me know what you have and how much. Im thinking of something like pictured below so that I can mount one on the front side and one on the back side. Thanks for looking.
  11. thanks Mike it looks great. I dont know for sure what im looking for. Thats why I was hoping this would get individuals to share their ideas and desgins that they already have. Ill let you know if I need any more information or help. Again, nice work.
  12. So Derek got me thinking about my new tank im trying to set up and how I need to build a canopy and dress up the frame of the stand. I wanted to see if anyone would be willing to share their builds/photos and expain how much it cost to build? I am going to be needing to build my own and wanted to do it on a budget. Also, if you dont mind, state what type of wood you used along with hardware. I have a basic frame work for the stand already. What type of wood would be good to dress up the outside with? I am planing to stain the wood a medium to drank color. The following is my new tank that I will be building the canopy for and dressing up the stand on.
  13. do you have any pictures so that i can see what it looks like? if you dont mind
  14. Gonzobob. is there anyway to see the ones you are talking about? i was just thinking about puting just 2 outlets, one on each side of the tank in the front
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