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Capt. Obvious

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Everything posted by Capt. Obvious

  1. Also, swirling (not shaking) plus flicking once dissolved has gotten me very reliable results as well
  2. I think he means carbon dosing (vodka/vinegar)
  3. Power controlled by arduino right? cause...the arduino does not put out enough juice to power that beast.. I like the look, very clean
  4. I am pretty sure I have a couple lying around...Let me check when I get home
  5. Red Monti - $5/ 2-3" frag Purple Haze - $15/frag Purple - $10/2-3" frag
  6. I have some purple and red monti
  7. and pyramids will hitch rides on other snails
  8. works fine, 3 and 4 set quickly
  9. i repaired a broken center brace once....the tank lasted 6 months before catastrophic failure...drain it...and get the glass cut to size at a glass shop. this is a job to do on an empty tank...trust me
  10. or they could be pyramid snails...depends on the shape
  11. ... I've done the same thing (Bio)3, it's a quick and easy way to make an overflow, cutting 1/4" slots or teeth effectively doubles the waterflow cross section over the weir which would increase it's pull on the surface film. Tim, I think we are saying the same thing. I said it increases surface skimming. I think you may have gotten hung up on the semantics of my previous post. Bottom line teeth do assist in surface skimming, and insufficient surface skimming can lead to film. That by no means says that without teeth you are guaranteed surface film. coast-to-coast overflows,most of which are toothless have been in this hobby for a while with no film problems. But I think we all agree, when done properly, teeth on a weir helps with surface skimming.
  12. 3/4" upturned PVC elbow with overflow strainer attached
  13. How have you seen PVC used where it wouldn't surface skim? I've use multiple overflows without teeth including PVC elbows and certainly did not need teeth to keep the a film from forming on the surface. Yes, generally with tanks with lower powered return pumps.
  14. notches (teeth) are for surface skimming as well, without them you can develop a film on the waters surface
  15. @victoly, I will be on the road to TN on Sunday, back monday. @kimP that would be great
  16. I painted my 90 glass with fusion, had not problems adhering...no need to sand the pvc...but it can't hurt...just use real high grit
  17. *shrug* before my order arrives in a week
  18. Capt. Obvious


    ....on that sump...what is the tiny middle chamber for? way to small for a fuge or a pump or a skimmer...Is it for media or some sort(filter floss?)
  19. I have some on order but was wondering if anyone had some in town in the interim so I can test. Let me know
  20. cloudiness/film most likely is bacteria bloom and his theory would support that I'd say
  21. home depot has schedule 80 (grey) otherwise krylon fusion...there is no reason to pay extra $ for pvc that is a different color when you can just paint it
  22. lights out, and carbon...maybe phosban in a bag...how do your levels look?
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